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Summary "To break up" Addendum

Subject: Summary "To break up" Addendum
From: Kg4w@aol.com (Kg4w@aol.com)
Date: Thu Apr 25 23:19:13 1996
Darn it, I said in the orig Summary that the
K4VX article on guying was in August QST,
which is true. I just forgot to say which yaer !!
Its Aug 1993. Sri bout dat.    Ed KG4W

>From Bruce (AA8U)" <aa8u@voyager.net  Fri Apr 26 03:19:14 1996
From: Bruce (AA8U)" <aa8u@voyager.net (Bruce (AA8U))
Subject: Definition of a "Big Gun"
Message-ID: <199604260219.WAA27712@vixa.voyager.net>

Hello fellow contesters,

I am relatively new to this reflector so this may have been discussed in my

What is the generally accepted definition of a "Big Gun"? 

How do you know if you are one. 

Is this a desirable goal?

At what point does a "Little Pistol" become a "Big Gun". 

Is QRP mutually exclusive with "Big Gun"?

Please forward your comments to aa8u@voyager.net

Thanks in advance,

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