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Contesting and the Internet?

Subject: Contesting and the Internet?
From: devans@lynx.colorado.edu (D. R. Evans)
Date: Tue Apr 23 10:00:01 1996
On 22 Apr 96 at 10:22, LondonSM <n2ic@drmail.dr.att.com> wrote:

> An interesting idea, but I would take it a step further.  Absolutely no
> "off site" assistance.  Multi's would have to find their own spots,
> using receivers and antennas located on-premises, without packet, voice,
> telephone, or internet assistance.

A hearty "I agree".

D.R. Evans NQ0I / G4AMJ : devans@lynx.colorado.edu

"Palindor Chronicles" information and extracts:

>From w2vjn@rosenet.net (George Cutsogeorge)  Tue Apr 23 23:44:37 1996
From: w2vjn@rosenet.net (George Cutsogeorge) (George Cutsogeorge)
Subject: Spice.
Message-ID: <M.042396.154437.89@ppp020.rosenet.net>

Design engineers have been using various forms of computerized circuit analysis 
for many years.  In the 60s we used batch programming with punched cards on 
main frame computers to verify designs and for phase equalizing wide band 
filters for video.  The computer was run over night and results were ready in 
the morning.  A small error in a number or tolerance meant another day of 
waiting for the batch to be run again.  And of course there was the danger of 
dropping the card stack on the way to the computer room.

Spice was written in the early 70s and was generally available by the late 70s. 
Maybe earlier on the west coast.  Today it uses basically the same engine and 
has improved input/output routines.  There are many books on how to use it.

It is a very useful tool for anyone who does analog circuit design.  A typical 
use might be to verify a filter design.  If the components and strays are 
modeled accurately, results will be true and breadboarding is a thing of the 

What has this got to do with contesting?  Some of us still build portions of 
our stations and Spice is a powerful time saving tool.

George Cutsogeorge,  W2VJN
Umpqua, OR.

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