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Dxpeditions and Skinny Cats.

Subject: Dxpeditions and Skinny Cats.
From: tigger@prairienet.org (Sean E. Kutzko)
Date: Wed Mar 20 11:25:40 1996
> For those of you that believe that Dxpeditions are made by Fat 
>Cats with loaded wallets here is a breakdown of our KP4 trip for 
>  Average airfare cost per person- 250.00 R/T
>  Average meal cost for the whole week per person- 100.00
>  Rental vehicle split per  person-125.00
>  Lodging- Free
>  We're talking about 475.00 essential cost.

Yes, folks, it CAN be done this way. I spent 6 days in 6Y for less than 
$500 including airfare and food. Lodging was free. It's just like 
any other aspect of the world; make connections, 'cause they can save you 
a LOT of money. I'm probably one of the 'poorest' readers on the reflector
(I make $11k a year), and if I can afford to go on contest expeditiions, 
so can you.

A buddy of mine and I are working on something for ARRL DX CW 1997, so 
it's not a one-time arrangement. If it's what you want to do, then as the 
commercial says, Just Do It.


Sean Kutzko                                              Amateur Radio: KF9PL
Urbana, IL       WWW=http://hobbes.ncsa.uiuc.edu/sean/   DXCC:306 wkd/302 cfmd
                "Maybe you'll find your way someday...
         but while you're at it, you'll have some fun." -Little Feat

>From Victor Vernon Burns <vburns@netcom.com>  Wed Mar 20 18:07:48 1996
From: Victor Vernon Burns <vburns@netcom.com> (Victor Vernon Burns)
Subject: Yaesue Voice Keyer - Any mods for variable length message?
Message-ID: <InterAp.3.1.a.19960320100748.2@>

For the first time we tried the Yaesu voice keyer instead of a home brew.  =
I can not believe that Yaesu only allows a 4 or 8 second fixed length messa=
ge.  This basically makes the thing worthless, first because most messages =
are *not* 4 or 8 seconds and even if they are close it is quite difficult t=
o fit the message in just right to the alloted time without leaving a dead =
space or cutting yourself off.

The manuals are contradictory as to the message length, one says 4 or 8 sec=
onds only the other says you can put in shorter message and it will only ke=
y for the time that you actually leave a message [This is not the case].  E=
ven in the manual the demonstrate using multiple memories to give a contest=
 exchange that does not work..unless you want to hit the <message #> STOP <=
message #> STOP etc.

Anyone have the answer or fix to make this multihundred dollar accessory wo=
rth anything??

Victor KI6IM

>From Charles H. Harpole" <harpole@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu  Wed Mar 20 18:45:20 1996
From: Charles H. Harpole" <harpole@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu (Charles H. Harpole)
Subject: Lightning Protection
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.960320134140.20101A@Pegasus>

Pete, I wish I had the ground rod concession in your area... wow!
My only critique of your system, overkill that it is, is your use of pvc 
to feed anything thru.  Pvc will catch fire.  I would use galv. metal 
pipe to duct any wires, etc., and on the rig ground you installed also.

OTOH, your disconnect system is THE ONLY WAY truly to isolate your rigs, 
and I am glad to see you doing that.

Overall, taken from one who had his shack have a direct hit (me), you 
have done good.  de K4VUD (now also in Fla.!)

>From barry@w2up.wells.com (barry)  Wed Mar 20 18:16:01 1996
From: barry@w2up.wells.com (barry) (barry)
Subject: Bulbs
Message-ID: <eXP4kD1w165w@w2up.wells.com>

RBates854@aol.com writes:
> Currently I am trying the GE "Miser" bulb, too soon to tell but less light.
> If anyone finds a "Good" bulb please post to the reflector.
> de Bob AA9DX

Sri to perpetuate a non-contest thread...

Buy some "commerical" bulbs rated at 130V, not 120V. These can be found 
at lighting centers and electrical supply houses. They will last LONGER 
than specs when run at 120V. And no, they won't be 3 for a dollar.


Barry N. Kutner, W2UP       Internet: barry@w2up.wells.com
Newtown, PA                 Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
                            Packet Cluster: W2UP >WB2R (FRC)

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