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Subject: VCR RFI
From: Matthew S. Trott" <0007288678@mcimail.com (Matthew S. Trott)

     >Yes, I've been causing TVI to the VCR, especially on 20 meters.  The rig 

     >being 6 feet from the VCR and a deck-mounted vertical doesn't help.  


Those dad-gum VCR's! I was really tearing ours up during the DX test last
weekend. I finally got some ferrite chokes and put them on everything in sight
and they had little to no effect on the interference. Now, my family is kind
enough to let me do my thing as long as they can do theirs (which is usually
watching videos during contest weekends). But, they were really giving me some
very heavy QRM last weekend. After heavy doses of hideous shreaking and
cat-calling from the TV room I got serious about fix 
ing the problem.

Here's what I did and it cured the problem completely:

Gift wrap your VCR in aluminum foil. Completley wrap it around both ways
several times so it will hold. Then use your fingernail or what-have-you and
cut-out the tin foil on the front controls and tape hole. Voila! It works

NO more interference!!!

You can even put a ribbon on top.

73, Matt -- AA7BG

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  • VCR RFI, <0007288678@mcimail.com (Matthew S. Trott) <=
    • VCR RFI, <wsixrgg@crl.com (R.B. Vallio)
    • VCR RFI, <0007288678@mcimail.com (Matthew S. Trott)
    • VCR RFI, <harpole@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu (Charles H. Harpole)