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Re[2]: W3USS D.C.

Subject: Re[2]: W3USS D.C.
From: Steve Bratcher" <Steve_Bratcher@BENG.VOA.GOV (Steve Bratcher)
>Dave and W3USS won't be the only one on from DC. Look for the little 
>pistols and part-timers from the District....like me!
>Eric Rosenberg    WD3Q, EI4VPS, YJ0AER, J20BY, etc.

This 'little pistol' will probably show up for a piece of the action too!

Steve WE5X (op at K3VOA club station in DC a few blocks from W3USS)

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  • W3USS D.C., <0006358668@mcimail.com (David R. Siddall)
    • W3USS D.C., <0006358668@mcimail.com (David R. Siddall)
    • W3USS D.C., Eric Rosenberg
    • Re[2]: W3USS D.C., <Steve_Bratcher@BENG.VOA.GOV (Steve Bratcher) <=