Dear friends,
I participated for the first time of the ARRL CW contest. It was fun, however
I could spend only 3 hours in the Contest due to the carnival holidays in
Brazil, in other words, I took a trip with my family. So, no time for contest
(but at least I read "The Complete DX'ER" by W9KNI - vy good book).
I intend now to participate of the ARRL SSB Contest. I will be on 20, 40 and 80
meters (not sure about this last one) and for this reason I dropped this note
to the refletor. Can you point out good frequencies to call on each band
mentioned above during the contest?
My station will be a TS850S, FL2100Z (on 80 meters it is damaged), Cushcraft R4
on 20 meters and Butternut HF2V on 40 and 80 meters.
Thanks a lot and good contest,
Carlos - PY1CAS