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ARRL DX CW rules?

Subject: ARRL DX CW rules?
From: Pete Smith <n4zr@ix.netcom.com> (Pete Smith)
>Return-Path: <blunt@arrl.org>
>From: "Lunt, Billy,  KR1R" <blunt@arrl.org>
>To: Pete Smith <n4zr@ix.netcom.com>
>Subject: RE: ARRL DX CW rules?
>Encoding: 89 TEXT
>There is no change in the DX Contest Rules. W/VEs work DX only and DX works 
>W/VEs only.
>Billy Lunt, KR1R
>Contest Manager, ARRL
> ----------
>>From: Pete Smith
>>To: blunt
>>Subject: ARRL DX CW rules?
>>Billy -- Just wanted to make sure you saw this.  What's the story?  Is 
>>really a rule change?
>>>From: paul1@wizard.ucs.sfu.ca (Paul Erickson)
>>>Reply-To: paul1@wizard.ucs.sfu.ca (Paul Erickson)
>>>Subject: ARRL DX CW rules?
>>>To: cq-contest@tgv.com (contest)
>>>Pardon my ignorance, but I was under the impression that we w/ve's were
>>>to work everyone but other w/ve's. The following comment from the
>>>rules I just received from the info@arrl.org seems to contradict that.
>>>Could someone please clarify this for me?
>>>Forwarded message:
>>>> From info-serv@arrl.org Wed Feb 14 09:16:15 1996
>>>> Message-Id: <m0tmkgR-000RD0C@mgate.arrl.org>
>>>> Subject: INFO response: DX.RLS
>>>> From: <info-serv@arrl.org> (HQ Automated INFO Server)
>>>> Organzation: American Radio Relay League
>>>> To: <paul1@wizard.ucs.sfu.ca>
>>>> Rules, 1996 ARRL International DX Contest
>>>>      1) Eligibility: Amateurs worldwide.
>>>>      2) Object: W/VE amateurs work as many amateur stations in as many
>>>> DXCC countries of the world as possible on 1.8 to 30 MHz, excluding the
>>>> 18 and 24-MHz bands. Foreign amateurs work as many W/VE stations in as
>>>> many states and provinces as possible.
>>>>      7) Scoring:
>>>>              (A) QSO Points--W/VE stations count three points per DX 
>>>> DX stations count three points per W/VE QSO.
>>>>              (B) Multiplier--W/VE stations: Sum of DXCC countries 
>>>> US and Canada) worked per band. DX stations: Sum of US states (except
>>>> KH6/KL7) and District of Columbia (DC), NB (VE1), NS (VE1), PEI (VE1
>>>> or VY2), PQ (VE2), ON (VE3), MB (VE4), SK (VE5), AB (VE6), BC
>>>> (VE7), NWT (VE8), YUK (VY1), NF (VO1), LAB (VO2) worked per band.
>>>> Maximum of 62 per band.
>>>> Canada may be worked by W/VE stations for QSO credit only.
>>>What does this mean in light of the above?
>>>cheers, Paul
>>>email: paul1@wizard.ucs.sfu.ca
>>Pete Smith N4ZR (n4zr@ix.netcom.com)


Pete Smith N4ZR (n4zr@ix.netcom.com)

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