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3830 Reflector

Subject: 3830 Reflector
From: Bill Fisher KM9P <km9p@akorn.net> (Bill Fisher KM9P)
On Mon, 12 Feb 1996 K7LXC@aol.com wrote:
> >I've misplaced the address of the 3830 reflector. Please send me an
> >E-mail directly with that information. 
>    I also am interested in the information.  In addition, the callsign of the
> chap that runs it.  Please someone let me know.  Tnx.

Post your scores to 3830@akorn.net.  You do not have to be subscribed to 
post your score.

If you want to see scores in your mail box, then subscribe to 
3830-request@akorn.net.  The word 'subscribe' only in the text of the 

You can also review scores via the WWW at 


Bill, KM9P

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