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Subject: No subject
From: mwdink@eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman) (Michael Dinkelman)
Looking to improve my contesting (I used the word) situation in
the greater metropolitan Seattle area, I have just spent
six months looking for a home. Some observations...

1) Unless you got bucks, don't expect to find a place
   (without CC&R's) without looking a loonngg time. If
   you got bucks, it is probably easier to develop your
   own property but that has its own problems - especially
   obtaining permits.

2) Expect to educate and re-educate your realtor on what
   YOU think is a adequate station location. Don't forget
   other bugaboos such as power lines.

3) Write your requirements against CC&R's into the purchase 
   agreement (Tnx to N0AX for that one) and then check the title
   yourself (you might find other interesting things in there
   as well).

4) Stay out of developments (you didn't want neighbors
   anyway - did you?), head into eastern King County and
   work for creation of Cedar County (out of King County).

5) Have a great wife who ideal of a home and land matches yours.
   Else, you're shot dead before you start.

I expect that this situation is developing all over our 
country. For some reason (beyond the discussion parameters of
this reflector), the great free society is developing into 
one great blob of intolerance. 

It took a lot of work, stress, and knashing of teeth but 
I found my house and my short acre of (hopefully) paradise.
I don't ever plan on giving it up as it was too hard to find.
It ain't easy but it is possible (even on my budget). Be 
flexible but stay with your core requirements.

And don't ever forget - this is supposed to be fun.

Rock n Roll

Michael Dinkelman
Kent, WA

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