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What's wrong with the SSB sprint

Subject: What's wrong with the SSB sprint
From: kf3p@cais.cais.com (Tyler Stewart) (Tyler Stewart)
>The good ol' boys on 75 meters were in rare form last night during SSB 
>sprint. Maybe cause we went to 75 early- but I have never heard such fowl 
>languaage on the ham bands. The guys on 3850 really let loose. I only 
>wish the FCC could have heard it. These guys are certainly the worst 
>examples of radio amatuers concievable- how could they have possibly 
>gotten licenses? The guys on 3835 always get on during contests for the 
>sole purpose of harrassing contesters- anyone within 3 khz of them gets 
>deliberately and maliciously interferred with. This is illegal and should 
>should be dealt with by legal means.
>I sure hate it that general class operaters are prevented from 
>participating in contests on 75 meters because of the immature, self 
>centered, and illegal actions of a few jerks who have no business 
>operating a radio. Life would be better for all if these 75 meter jammers 
>were removed the ham (or any other) bands.
>Guess this gets a little steam off my chest. I do wonder what we can do 
>about these guys. We can't ignore them- they chase us down to curse us 
>and QRM us. Fighting with them is counter productive. No one should be 
>subjected to the language and meanness.
>Thanks for letting me vent-
>73 de KM0L

I'm not going to try and justify their reactions, but I can sympathize with

I took part in my first ever NCJ sprint contest last night which happened to
be on SSB.  

My conclusion:  Not only does this contest SUCK from the east coast with those
hours and these sunspots, but the QSY rule creates pure bedlam on 75 phone.
You've got a bunch of agressive contesters jumping on a whole range of
freqs from 3815 to 3875 causing havok with the good-ol' boys...and this is one
contest where you dont stand a chance if you take the time to ask if it's in

Sorry.  I think it's a nice, challenging idea for a contest, but it's
implementation needs a hard look.  You can get away with a lot of this stuff
on CW without too much grease, but on phone it's just out of control.

Just as a suggestion, I think this contest would be much more palatable for
the next few years run in the afternoon (like starting at 2000Z at the
latest) instead of evening, and possibly (but not necessarily) using a
combination of 15,20, and 40 meters, avoiding 75.  By the time this thing
starts, 20 is dead on the east coast and 75 is already way long!  I heard
complaints on 3830 after the contest about New England not being
on...believe me, I know why now!  I just about turned the radio off myself
after screaming at west coast stations on 20 meters to no avail.  Granted
conditions were exceptionally poor this time, but I'm sure it's not going to
be that much different for the next several years.

I welcome your comments...

73, Tyler KF3P@cais.com


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