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N. Texas TACO Soup

Subject: N. Texas TACO Soup
From: KB5YVT@aol.com (KB5YVT@aol.com)
Date: Thu Feb 1 19:36:32 1996
I want to set the record straight!

I heard that a person or persons from this new N. Tex group has a problem
with me using W5NN in contests.  Seems they think it's unfair for me to
operate in the advanced and extra parts of the band since I'm just a general!
 Hummm...  I suggest that you spend more time collecting cans so you can
update your Buckmaster slick!  My extra class license was issued in Oct.
1993.  The first time I used W5NN was almost two years later ( Winning 1995
2A FD) !  I'm also the
trustee of the callsign as of July 95.  So get your facts straight or ask the
one you doubt...me! Guess that's one excuse you can't use anymore when
someone licensed for 2 1/2 yrs beats you again!

Please flame your response to me!!! Now YOU can speak up!


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