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160m & math

Subject: 160m & math
From: JGellerRVZ@aol.com (JGellerRVZ@aol.com)
Date: Thu Nov 23 15:24:44 1995
>> Phil K6EID <phil.finkle@sid.net> wrote:
>> > .... 
> > >160 has 2 full megahertz of bandwidth.
>> > 
>> N0DH wrote:
>> > UHH last time I checked it was  1.2MHZ (1.8 to 2.0)

and Waldemar, DL7ANQ replied:

>2.0 MHz = 2,000,000 Hz
>1.8 MHz = 1,800,000 Hz
>2.0Mhz - 1.8 Mhz = 2,000,000 - 1,800,000 = 200,000 Hz = 0.2 MHz

>(I've done it without a dask calculator, did both of you use ol'
>pentium chips?????

It really "hertz" to know that EXTRA-CLASS hams can't do simple mathematics.
 This could be the reason those Pentiums don't work:
*We can't add or subtract simple two digit numbers, never mind
those complex calculations!!*  It's amazing the Shuttle even gets
off the ground, isn't it??  Also, must be the reason Agent 007
chose a German car instead of an American car this time around!

If Phil is still living in Georgia, fitting punishment for
failing the math test should be to relinquish his left-coast call
for a 4th district call. As for N0DH, well just being a Zero is
punishment enough!  :-)

73- Jeff N6RVZ             "IT'S ONLY A HOBBY"

>From jreid@aloha.net (Jim Reid)  Thu Nov 23 20:26:17 1995
From: jreid@aloha.net (Jim Reid) (Jim Reid)
Subject: Rpt.:Injured horse and TS870S spurs.
Message-ID: <199511232026.KAA10074@hookomo.aloha.net>

Aloha to all,  and good luck in the CQWW CW test!

1.  For lack of a good horse still,  I won't even  try hard,  
perhaps just cherry pick at the DX with the little borrowed

2. Kenwood,  at last,  called yesterday with the damage report;
$800  to repair the shipping damage to the right end of the
rig  plus $400 to repair the transmitter section which was the
reason the radio was shipped to them in the first place.
I haven't heard from UPS since they sent the form asking
for the replacment cost of the TS950SDX plus shipping
from CA.  But guess the $800 estimated cost of  repair of the
shipping damage  is what I'll hope to recover from UPS with
the declared value  "insurance" I bought when the unit was
shipped back in October.

3.  Have recv'd  many notes on the thread about 870S spurs.
Two stand out:

a.  From  Arno,  OH7XM:  He eliminated the  870's 40 meter SSB spur
problem (and in the other bands also)  by replacing the Kenwood
ceramic filter (which is built -in permanently) in the 455 kHz 3rd
IF section with a Yaesu 2.4 kHz crystal filter, XF-C.  And he is 
attacking the "inside the passband"  CW pile-up spur problem by
adding a 500 Hz CW filter in the second,  or 8.83 mHz IF strip.
He adds a manual switch the second IF  in order to switch out
the 500 filter when working SSB; evidently the Kenwood processor
is not programed for such auto switching.

Arno says he was able to significantly improve his older FT-990
for cw-pileup  performance by  similar  double filters,  2.4 and 500,
plus adding an  IPO switch;  he reports the rig now handles big
signals much better.

Such rig hardware/circuit  manipulation may be a bit of a challeange
for many of us,  but Arno is the service technician for the local
Kenwood/ Icom/ Yaesu importer in Finland!

b.  Bruce, AA5B,  who started this thread about the 870S,  reports the
following excellent response:

        From  Scott,  K9MA:

paraphrased,      "As I understand the 870S,  a 3 kHz crystal/ceramic filter
                                is used just ahead of the 16 bit A/D 
converter (this must be
                                the Filter OH7XM  replaced with the Yaesu 
2.4 kHz crystal).
                                Theoretically,  the highest dynamic range 
which can be
                                reached in this passband with a 16 bit 
converter,  is 72 dB.
                                This is not enough for dense SSB 
environments,  and with
                                CW,  it is a real mess.  What is really 
needed is both dual
                                filters (as Arno has installed)  and a 22 
bit A/D converter."

Again,  lots of happy CW contesting to all,  and enjoy the Thanksgiving family
time and the turkey (or goose or whatever)!

73,   Jim,  AH6NB

>From Hans Brakob <71111.260@compuserve.com>  Fri Nov 24 01:14:50 1995
From: Hans Brakob <71111.260@compuserve.com> (Hans Brakob)
Subject: Another S&P data point
Message-ID: <951124011450_71111.260_EHM58-1@CompuServe.COM>

Doug, both you and Hans had expressed an interest in seeing 
some numbers on the percentages of SS "checks" accumulated 
by folks who operated in search and pounce mode rather than 
running stations.  Since I did S&P for both the Phone
and CW SS this year, here are my percentages for comparison:

<46         4.2       3.0       3.0       6.4      3.9       4.5
46-50       3.0       2.4       1.5       3.1      3.6       2.0
51-55       7.2       6.7      10.4      12.1     12.7      11.5
56-60      11.6      10.5      14.0      16.0     18.6      19.0
61-65       9.5      11.6      14.8      14.3     15.3      18.0
66-70       9.9      10.3      14.1      13.7     13.1      10.5
71-75       6.6       7.5       8.1       9.3      8.7      15.0
76-80      10.8      12.2       9.6      10.8      9.2      11.0
81-85       5.8       5.7       5.9       2.5      3.2       1.5
86-90       9.4       8.7      11.1       4.4      4.8       2.0
91-95      21.9      21.3       7.4       7.4      6.9       4.5

On the subject of encouraging SS entries by newer licensees, 
I wonder if an effort organized on the Internet to get stations who
usually operate S&P to try occasional runs in the slow speed CW 
segments would help?  It occurs to me that my QSO rates are so low 
that I probably wouldn't do any worse to call CQ SS on a frequent 
basis on the slow speed frequencies.  I tried it a couple of times
this year, but gave up after a minute or two each time with no 
response.  The answer may be to persist for 5 or 10 minutes in the 
hope of attracting some activity.  If S&P'ers who have Net access 
could put out the word before the contest that we'll be doing this, 
it might create a more attractive atmosphere for the casual or newer 
contesters.  When I tune the QRS frequencies now, there's usually no 
one active.

I'm posting a message for Andy, AE6Y, to ask if he can modify his 
contest software to allow slower keying speeds than the current 18 
wpm floor, so S&P'ers like me could go back and forth between the 
higher and slower speed portions.

73, Bill KN6RQ

>From Tim Totten, KJ4VH" <kj4vh@iglou.com  Fri Nov 24 03:05:46 1995
From: Tim Totten, KJ4VH" <kj4vh@iglou.com (Tim Totten, KJ4VH)
Subject: Contest juice
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.951123214636.16359B-100000@iglou2>

In all the msgs abt contest food and drink, I am shocked no one has 
mentioned my first choice for contest juice.  It's called Ting.  I'm sure 
most of you who have been to Zone 8 know what I'm talking abt.  As it 
says on the bottle, it's a "naturally flavoured carbonated grapefruit 
drink."  Believe me, it's much btr than it sounds.  With 40 g of sugar in 
a 10.5 oz bottle, it's actually quite sweet.  160 Cal and no fat, but 
lots of citric acid.  Perfect for phone contests, but I drink it during 
CW contests too.  As soon as I get to the island, I always pick up a 
couple of cases before starting the pre-contest antenna work.  After 
looking all over the States for the stuff, I've finally found a local 
specialty food company that carries it.  They tell me it's now one of 
their biggest selling items!

I'll be drinking it this wknd, and since I'm operating from home this 
time with 400 W and a multi-band vertical, I suspect it will be the only 
part of this contest that will remind me of being in the Caribbean.


      Tim Totten, KJ4VH

>From w6go@netcom.com (Jay O'Brien - W6GO)  Fri Nov 24 03:52:28 1995
From: w6go@netcom.com (Jay O'Brien - W6GO) (Jay O'Brien - W6GO)
Subject: W6GO disqual, SS phone
Message-ID: <199511240352.TAA28227@netcom16.netcom.com>

   I received many direct email responses to my message which 
explained why I disqualified the W6GO SS phone effort because I 
neglected to install a fail-safe lockout to prohibit simultaneous 
transmission from our two transmitters.

   I was expounding on a technical oversight and hoping to prevent 
others from having the same experience.   I didn't forsee the trend 
of comments which focus on the ethics involved, not the technical 
oversight.   In addition, some made technical suggestions, which are 
much appreciated.

   Thanks to all for your comments, both pro and con.  It's 
exchanges of opinion that make this world what it is.

   I have prepared a summary of the non-technical comments I 
received, with sender's callsigns removed.  If anyone is interested 
in receiving a copy,  I'll be glad to send a copy to you by return 
email rather than take up bandwidth here on the reflector.

   73, Jay 

>From Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka@dumpty.nal.go.jp>  Fri Nov 24 01:59:19 1995
From: Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka@dumpty.nal.go.jp> (Takao KUMAGAI)
Subject: V26B video available?
Message-ID: <199511240159.KAA08400@dumpty.nal.go.jp>


Dear OM

  I've been looking for the contest related video for our 
annual contesters end year part at Dec 16.

Bob K3EST informed me that your group might have the video 
which was taken during your V26B operation. Is any video 
of V26B operation available? I do not care whether it is 
edited or non-edited.

  Ofcourse, I'll owe the shipping/handling/insurance charge.
Your assistance will be appreciated.

:   Along the same lines,
:   at V26B, at the recommendation of WB2P, we consumed mass quantities of
:   "Crystal Light" drink mix.  It was great.  Of course, it was about 90 
        Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
        TEL:81-30-066-6408, FAX:81-423-93-4449
        Internet: je1cka@nal.go.jp

>From JimWaits@gnn.com (Jim Waits)  Thu Nov 23 05:42:03 1995
From: JimWaits@gnn.com (Jim Waits) (Jim Waits)
Subject: general information
Message-ID: <199511232242.RAA07952@mail-e1a.gnn.com>

I asked for information about the rules for the 160 meter contest and got
several answers. Thanks for that, but special thanks to KA9FOX who passed
along the info on his webb page which is a real treasure of information 
for the contest/dx bunch.
If you haven't tried it --- jump on it!!   

73, Jim, W4ROM

>From JE3MAS <masiii@InfoChan.COM>  Thu Nov 23 18:09:26 1995
From: JE3MAS <masiii@InfoChan.COM> (JE3MAS)
Subject: WH6X/6Y5 QRV ON WWCW
Message-ID: <9511240309.AA27927@daffodil.InfoChan.COM>

I will be on WWCW single OP. all bands as WH6X/6Y5.
I am to stay here for about three years.
   WH6X/6Y5 ex 5H1HK

>From George Cook (AA3JU)" <george@epix.net  Fri Nov 24 05:25:24 1995
From: George Cook (AA3JU)" <george@epix.net (George Cook (AA3JU))
Subject: The real meaning of variable bandwidth
Message-ID: <199511240525.AAA10440@epix.net>

At 04:20 AM 11/23/95 -0800, you wrote:
>160 meters seems to be unusually hard to pin down as to size:
>One member of the contest fraternity sez 
>>160 has 2 full megahertz of bandwidth.
>While another observes
>>UHH last time I checked it was  1.2MHZ (1.8 to 2.0)
>If there are other opinions, please post 
>them to me and I will summarize.   :-)
>73, Bill  W7LZP

Actually the correct answer is 200 Kilocycles.  There is no such measurement
as a hertz and in fact that is a car rental company!
Now let me get back to tunning up my Johnson Valliant!

AA3JU  george@epix.net    AA3JU@W3PYF
Proudly  F R C...........
"FRC When second best just isn't good enough!"

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  • 160m & math, Waldemar Krzok
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