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SF is Alive and Well!

Subject: SF is Alive and Well!
From: jnichols@ednet1.osl.or.gov (John D. Nicholson)
Date: Tue Nov 21 08:50:11 1995
>Yes...SF DOES exist. However, I chose to make my effort in CW this year,
>and not SSB. AA6YX was on, but N6RA and W6BIP seemed to not be around.
etc. etc.

>73, Ed WA6CTA
>Mill Valley/ SF Section

        W6BIP was there for me! Last stn worked on Saturday night...

        John K7FD


>From Jay Townsend" <jayt@comtch.iea.com  Tue Nov 21 17:11:52 1995
From: Jay Townsend" <jayt@comtch.iea.com (Jay Townsend)
Subject: SS Report
Message-ID: <199511211711.RAA07010@comtch.iea.com>

                         ARRL SWEEPSTAKES -- 1995
       Call: WV7Y                     Section:  Eastern Washington 
       Mode: SSB                      Category: Multi Single

      Totals   1591     3160       77
                Score:  243,320 Rough
 Power Output: 1500 watts     Hours of operation: 24
 Operator List: WA7EGA, WB7AVD, WS7I
 Equipment Description:
               Yaesu FT1000MP, Titan, Henry 2K, 2 HB 8877's, Gates
               KLM 5 el 1000
               KT34 65 feet
               5 El 15 110, 4 el at 55'
               2-el 40 120 feet
               Bobtail 75 meters
               Contest logging via Scotchlog program. 
 Club Affiliation: EWARG

First contest with the 1000 MP and Jim, WB7AVD needs to get the 2.0 
filter as the QRM is still too tough with only the DSP and the 2.4 
filters. The radio worked well.

Biggest argument was who wanted to get the cards so Betsy, WV7Y, who 
loves filling them out for some reason (beats me!) volunteered to have it 
done with her call.

Bands from Eastern Washington sounded pretty good and we heard some 
stations on 10 meters but never got a radio down there on Saturday and 
then on Sunday there weren't any signals.  

>From kp4xs@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Ramirez )  Tue Nov 21 17:41:49 1995
From: kp4xs@ix.netcom.com (Kenneth Ramirez ) (Kenneth Ramirez )
Subject: Is the OMNI VI really that good?
Message-ID: <199511211741.JAA16435@ix6.ix.netcom.com>

  I just finished reading the letters sent to TEN TEC from OMNI VI 
users that appeared in a TEN TEC advertisement in the most recent issue 
of CQ magazine. I know KN4FR  and can confirm that he HAS had probably 
every rig known to mankind.
We both bought our FT1000s at the same time and had fun comparing 
notes. I trust his word but haven't talked to him personally about his 
OMNI VI. I truly believed and still believe that the FT1000 was the 
best HF rig ever made. I had tried an ICOM 765,Kenwood 950s (all 3 
types) and found the Yaesu to be far superior. I have always been an 
ICOM man but the FT1000 was just too good to keep me brand name loyal. 
In fairness to TENTEC, I have never tried or listened to an OMNI VI. Is 
the receiver really that great?Better than an FT1000? I sold my beloved 
FT1000 before moving to S.C. knowing that It would be awhile before I 
got back on HF.It was sold to KO7V who did nothing but rave about it. 
BUT I found out a few weeks ago that he traded the FT1000 for an OMNI 
VI and raves even more about it. Have I missed something? Anyone care 
to fill me in on what they feel about the OMNI VI. Though it was nice 
to have all the "Bells and whistles" that the FT1000 had,I found myself 
hardly ever using them. Never needed more than 80 watts to drive the 
amp. Using the second receiver was more of an annoyance after the 
novelty wore off.
The best features were the filter,mode,band selection with the push of 
a single button,can the OMNI do this? It always boiled down to the same 
basic important features. How sensitive was the receiver and how did 
the receiver hold up in the presence of strong adjacent signals. These 
always turned out to be the most effective in a contest.
   I need a rig with the sensitivity and low phase noise of an ICOM 740 
but with the Blocking Dynamic range,3rd order I.P., and filter 
selection of an FT1000. Does the OMNI VI Fall into this category?
  Is the OMNI VI really that good?
            Ken kp4xs@ix.netcom.com

>From Daniel R. Violette" <Daniel_R._Violette@ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com  Tue 
>Nov 21 17:51:58 1995
From: Daniel R. Violette" <Daniel_R._Violette@ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com 
(Daniel R. Violette)
Subject: SS Checks Above 90
Message-ID: <9510218169.AA816976374@ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com>

     I haven't seen it surmised yet that many of the newly licensed are new 
     club calls and don't necessarily belong to the op.  I see KE4ZYV (op 
     KR4YL) as an example from a Florida University club.  This also fits 
     with more on SSB since long calls on CW are less likely to be the 
     preference.  Someone with a CD or the time to look up all the 'young' 
     calls may find many new club calls.  When I used the club call 
     (WB6YPX), the check was from when I was 7 years old ('68).  Anytime 
     from the club now I use my call (until we get our vanity call).
     Dan   KI6X
     e-mail:  Daniel_R._Violette@ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com

>From Guzman Colon, Eric M." <KP4TK@rmece17.upr.clu.edu  Tue Nov 21 06:03:14 
From: Guzman Colon, Eric M." <KP4TK@rmece17.upr.clu.edu (Guzman Colon, Eric M.)
Message-ID: <ACAEE20B70@sark.upr.clu.edu>

      Call: KP4VA                     Country: Puerto Rico
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Multi Single
      University of Puerto Rico , Mayaguez Campus
       80       13       26        -
       40      194      388        -
       20      228      456        -
       15      511     1022        -
     Totals    946     1892       76 Missed: YU
               Score:  143,792
Power Output:  100 watts     Hours of operation: 24  
Operator List: KP4TK, KP4YP
Equipment Description:
        A4S @ 85FT     10-15-20
        D40 @ 95FT     40
        INV V @ 130FT  80
        AP8(?) @ 75 FT 80M AND UP
        - Hard time with CT numbering. 
        - SSB is always harder with our RUSTY English
        - We heard VY1JA several times but he was very weak and the 
          pile up was 20dB over so did not spent too much time calling
          with A power.
The Worst:
        - My fight with the SSTV's 30 min before the end. I was running
          on a freq. for about an hour and then someone ( still don't
          know his call, he did not sent it ) show to the freq. saying:
                SSTV: Any one here for picture?
                  ME: The freq. is in use
                SSTV: beeeep@##%#@$, Any one for a picture here
                  ME: The freq. is in use. 
                SSTV: Any one here for a picture?
                  ME: QRZ SS KP4VA
                SSTV: Puerto Rican station QSY SSTV freq. I'm not a DXer
                  ME: QRZ SS KP4VA   
                SSTV: Hey Puerto Rican your a #@@#$ and a #$#$%^
                  ME: roger W8XYZ nr 920 a kp4va 85 pr
          I was furious and did not QSY. You can't deal with me in that
        - Had fun. 
        - First time to be so close to the sweep.
73's Eric M. Guzman, KP4TK

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