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S50C CQWWSSB 40m SOSB result

Subject: S50C CQWWSSB 40m SOSB result
From: s55oo@ljutcp.hamradio.si (s55oo@ljutcp.hamradio.si)
Date: Sat Nov 18 10:12:13 1995
                    CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 1995

      Call: S50C (Op. S55OO)         Country:  Slovenia
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Single Operator


       40     2364     4287     1.81     36     139

     Totals   2364     4287     1.81     36     139  =>  750,225

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description: TRX: Icom IC735, Yaesu FT301D
                       ANT: 2el. rotary quad, loop, inv. vee
                       PWR: 1500 WATT

Club Affiliation: DREAM TEAM - S50C

Location: Mt. Menina - 1508m a.s.l.


Hello dear contesters!

I am very sorry because I send this file so late but faster was impossible.
Why? This year I'm serving in army and to the last week before the contest
I did not know if I will come to home. I had an accident there and I wrenched
my knee. After that they send me home so I was able with a very big help of
my friends to compete in the contest. Sometimes is here in autumn possible
also snow or very bad weather and fast wind. But this year weather was nice 
before and during the contest and we came on our location with a car except 
the last hill on which I had to walk on crutches...HI
They put up all the antennas and other stuff and then I was ready  to start
and run.
The contest was great and I am quite satisfied with result except the last 
morning when I was touching to much back side of voice keyer end I make short
circuit and the fuse in transceiver burned. We tried to change it but
transceiver still did not work. After that I was working on old YAESU FT301D
without SPLIT and lost surely some 100 QSO's with W's. In few hours I got 
new ICOM IC735 and I was working normally W's in the evening.
Propagation's were normal and thank's god also without Aurora so W and JA was 
going quite well. I missed zone 2, 29, 31 and 39. Also the activity from 
South America in the contest is very low so I think we have to go on some
course of Spanish language soon, hi ( not just CQ and report ).
After the contest I went back to barracks and then they send me in to hospital
where I spend twelve days and came home just today but still not totally well.
I am very grateful to all who helped me especially to S58MC, S53BB, S53CC, 
S53RM, S51RM, S52GW, S52LW, S53ZO, S51MW and S57CT which we woke up in 
4.30AM local time that he told us where the fuse in transceiver is, hi.
Also thanks to all which I forgot and all of you for points on the air.

                                                73 de Goran S55OO

Here are some statistics...

                              Continent Statistics
   S50C   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST    Single Operator     29 Oct 1995  1659z

                 160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America      0    0  552    0    0    0  552    23.3
South America      0    0   48    0    0    0   48     2.0
Europe             0    0 1395    0    0    0 1395    59.0
Asia               0    0  310    0    0    0  310    13.1
Africa             0    0   30    0    0    0   30     1.3
Oceania            0    0   31    0    0    0   31     1.3


HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT  

   0    .....    .....   126/15    .....    .....    .....   126/15  126/15 
   1      .        .     115/21      .        .        .     115/21  241/36 
   2      .        .      63/9       .        .        .      63/9   304/45 
   3      .        .      55/12      .        .        .      55/12  359/57 
   4      .        .      67/3       .        .        .      67/3   426/60 
   5      .        .      49/7       .        .        .      49/7   475/67 
   6      .        .      81/12      .        .        .      81/12  556/79 
   7      .        .      74/3       .        .        .      74/3   630/82 
   8    .....    .....    81/2     .....    .....    .....    81/2   711/84 
   9      .        .      82/1       .        .        .      82/1   793/85 
  10      .        .      67/2       .        .        .      67/2   860/87 
  11      .        .      44/0       .        .        .      44/0   904/87 
  12      .        .      12/0       .        .        .      12/0   916/87 
  13      .        .      51/1       .        .        .      51/1   967/88 
  14      .        .      87/5       .        .        .      87/5  1054/93 
  15      .        .      68/1       .        .        .      68/1  1122/94 
  16    .....    .....    49/3     .....    .....    .....    49/3  1171/97 
  17      .        .      56/4       .        .        .      56/4  1227/101
  18      .        .      64/5       .        .        .      64/5  1291/106
  19      .        .      35/1       .        .        .      35/1  1326/107
  20      .        .      70/5       .        .        .      70/5  1396/112
  21      .        .      87/4       .        .        .      87/4  1483/116
  22      .        .      51/2       .        .        .      51/2  1534/118
  23      .        .      56/0       .        .        .      56/0  1590/118
   0    .....    .....    58/1     .....    .....    .....    58/1  1648/119
   1      .        .      45/2       .        .        .      45/2  1693/1/129
  12      .        .        .        .        .        .        .   1952/129
  13      .        .      36/0       .        .        .      36/0  1988/129
  14      .        .      48/1       .        .        .      48/1  2036/130
  15ΓΏ      36/0   S55OOGGGGGGG .     774/25      .        .        .  
      .    774/25 
TOT       .        .   2364/143      .        .        .        .   2364/143

BREAKDOWN in mins/QSO's per hr  S50C  CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST  Single Operator

HOUR    160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT   CUM TOT 

   0   .....    .....    60/126   .....    .....    .....    60/126   60/126
   1     .        .      60/115     .        .        .      60/115  120/121
   2     .        .      60/63      .        .        .      60/63   180/101
   3     .        .      60/55      .        .        .      60/55   240/90 
   4     .        .      60/67      .        .        .      60/67   300/85 
   5     .        .      61/48      .        .        .      61/48   361/79 
   6     .        .      61/80      .        .        .      61/80   422/79 
   7     .        .      59/75      .        .        .      59/75   481/79 
   8   .....    .....    59/82    .....    .....    .....    59/82   540/79 
   9     .        .      60/82      .        .        .      60/82   600/79 
  10     .        .      60/67      .        .        .      60/67   660/78 
  11     .        .      32/83      .        .        .      32/83   692/78 
  12     .        .       7/103     .        .        .       7/103  699/79 
  13     .        .      62/49      .        .        .      62/49   761/76 
  14     .        .      59/88      .        .        .      59/88   820/77 
  15     .        .      61/67      .        .        .      61/67   881/76 
  16   .....    .....    59/50    .....    .....    .....    59/50   940/75 
  17     .        .      59/57      .        .        .      59/57   999/74 
  18     .        .      61/63      .        .        .      61/63  1060/73 
  19     .        .      59/36      .        .        .      59/36  1119/71 
  20     .        .      60/70      .        .        .      60/70  1179/71 
  21     .        .      61/86      .        .        .      61/86  1240/72 
  22     .        .      62/49      .        .        .      62/49  1302/71 
  23     .        .      57/59      .        .        .      57/59  1359/70 
   0   .....    .....    61/57    .....    .....    .....    61/57  1420/70 
   1     .        .      59/46      .        .        .      59/46  1479/69 
   2     .        .      63/37      .        .        .      63/37  1542/67 
   3     .        .      34/49      .        .        .      34/49  1576/67 
   4     .        .       5/48      .        .        .       5/48  1581/67 
   5     .        .      46/30      .        .        .      46/30  1627/66 
   6     .        .      58/38      .        .        .      58/38  1685/65 
   7     .        .      54/51      .        .        .      54/51  1739/65 
   8   .....    .....    52/28    .....    .....    .....    52/28  1791/63 
   9     .        .      50/52      .        .        .      50/52  1841/63 
  10     .        .      23/39      .        .        .      23/39  1864/63 
  11     .        .        .        .        .        .        .    1864/63 
  12     .        .        .        .        .        .        .    1864/63 
  13     .        .      60/36      .        .        .      60/36  1924/62 
  14     .        .      62/46      .        .        .      62/46  1986/62 
  15     .        .      58/37      .        .        .      58/37  2044/61 
  16   .....    .....    60/44    .....    .....    .....    60/44  2104/60 
  17     .        .      60/48      .        .        .      60/48  2164/60 
  18     .        .      60/45      .        .        .      60/45  2224/60 
  19     .        .      63/26      .        .        .      63/26  2287/59 
  20     .        .      58/35      .        .        .      58/35  2345/58 
  21     .        .      59/24      .        .        .      59/24  2404/57 
  22     .        .      53/40      .        .        .      53/40  2457/57 
  23     .        .      55/38      .        .        .      55/38  2512/56 
DAY1   .....    .....  22.6/70    .....    .....    .....    .....  22.6/70 
DAY2     .        .    19.2/40      .        .        .        .    19.2/40 
TOT      .        .    41.9/56      .        .        .        .    41.9/56 

BREAKDOWN in kilo-points by hr  S50C  CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST  Single Operator

HOUR    160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT   CUM TOT 

   0   .....    .....      82     .....    .....    .....      82       82  
   1     .        .        82       .        .        .        82      164  
   2     .        .        30       .        .        .        30      194  
   3     .        .        38       .        .        .        38      232  
   4     .        .        22       .        .        .        22      254  
   5     .        .        24       .        .        .        24      279  
   6     .        .        39       .        .        .        39      318  
   7     .        .        13       .        .        .        13      331  
   8   .....    .....      12     .....    .....    .....      12      342  
   9     .        .         9       .        .        .         9      352  
  10     .        .        10       .        .        .        10      362  
  11     .        .         4       .        .        .         4      366  
  12     .        .         1       .        .        .         1      367  
  13     .        .        11       .        .        .        11      377  
  14     .        .        34       .        .        .        34      412  
  15     .        .        11       .        .        .        11      423  
  16   .....    .....      18     .....    .....    .....      18      441  
  17     .        .        20       .        .        .        20      461  
  18     .        .        23       .        .        .        23      484  
  19     .        .         7       .        .        .         7      491  
  20     .        .        28       .        .        .        28      519  
  21     .        .        24       .        .        .        24      544  
  22     .        .        13       .        .        .        13      557  
  23     .        .        14       .        .        .        14      571  
   0   .....    .....      17     .....    .....    .....      17      588  
   1     .        .        17       .        .        .        17      605  
   2     .        .        12       .        .        .        12      617  
   3     .        .         9       .        .        .         9      626  
   4     .        .         1       .        .        .         1      627  
   5     .        .         8       .        .        .         8      635  
   6     .        .         8       .        .        .         8      643  
   7     .        .         4       .        .        .         4      648  
   8   .....    .....       2     .....    .....    .....       2      650  
   9     .        .         8       .        .        .         8      658  
  10     .        .         1       .        .        .         1      659  
  11     .        .        .        .        .        .        .       659  
  12     .        .        .        .        .        .        .       659  
  13     .        .         4       .        .        .         4      663  
  14     .        .        10       .        .        .        10      672  
  15     .        .         5       .        .        .         5      677  
  16   .....    .....      10     .....    .....    .....      10      688  
  17     .        .        14       .        .        .        14      702  
  18     .        .         8       .        .        .         8      710  
  19     .        .         7       .        .        .         7      717  
  20     .        .         7       .        .        .         7      724  
  21     .        .         9       .        .        .         9      733  
  22     .        .        15       .        .        .        15      748  
  23     .        .        11       .        .        .        11      759  
DAY1   .....    .....     571     .....    .....    .....    .....     571  
DAY2     .        .       188       .        .        .        .       188  
TOT      .        .       759       .        .        .        .       759  

                           QSO Counts By Band-Country

   S50C   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST    Single Operator     29 Oct 1995  1659z

 PRFX    160         80          40          20          15          10         

   3A                             1                                             
   3V                             1                                             
   4J                             1                                             
   4L                             2                                             
 4U1I                             1                                             
   4X                             1                                             
   5B                             2                                             
   5N                             2                                             
   5Z                             2                                             
   6Y                             1                                             
   8P                             2                                             
   8R                             1                                             
   9A                            11                                             
   9H                             1                                             
  9M2                             1                                             
  9M6                             1                                             
   9Y                             1                                             
   A2                             1                                             
   A4                             1                                             
   BV                             3                                             
   BY                             2                                             
   C6                             1                                             
   CE                             1                                             
   CM                             1                                             
   CN                             1                                             
   CP                             2                                             
   CT                            12                                             
  CT3                             3                                             
   CU                             2                                             
   CX                             3                                             
   DL                           241                                             
   DU                             4                                             
   EA                           114                                             
  EA6                             5                                             
  EA8                             6                                             
  EA9                             4                                             
   EI                             7                                             
   ER                             4                                             
   ES                             8                                             
   ET                             1                                             
   EU                             6                                             
   EX                             5                                             
   EZ                             1                                             
    F                            91                                             
   FG                             1                                             
   FM                             1                                             
    G                            76                                             
   GD                             1                                             
   GI                             2                                             
   GJ                             2                                             

                           QSO Counts By Band-Country

   S50C   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST    Single Operator     29 Oct 1995  1659z

 PRFX    160         80          40          20          15          10         

   GM                            16                                             
 GM/s                             1                                             
   GU                             3                                             
   GW                             7                                             
   HA                            16                                             
   HB                            10                                             
  HB0                             2                                             
   HC                             2                                             
   HH                             1                                             
   HI                             1                                             
   HK                             6                                             
   HL                            16                                             
   HP                             2                                             
   HS                             2                                             
    I                           128                                             
   IS                            11                                             
  IT9                            11                                             
   J3                             1                                             
   JA                           217                                             
   JT                             1                                             
   JW                             1                                             
    K                           489                                             
  KH0                             1                                             
  KL7                             2                                             
  KP4                             3                                             
   LA                            17                                             
   LU                            14                                             
   LX                             3                                             
   LY                            23                                             
   LZ                            14                                             
   OD                             1                                             
   OE                            13                                             
   OH                            47                                             
  OH0                             2                                             
   OK                            36                                             
   OM                            11                                             
   ON                            30                                             
   OY                             1                                             
   OZ                             7                                             
   P4                             2                                             
   PA                            30                                             
  PJ2                             1                                             
   PY                             7                                             
 PY0F                             1                                             
   S5                            17                                             
   SM                            30                                             
   SP                            64                                             
   SU                             1                                             
   SV                            12                                             
  SV5                             1                                             

                           QSO Counts By Band-Country

   S50C   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST    Single Operator     29 Oct 1995  1659z

 PRFX    160         80          40          20          15          10         

   T7                             1                                             
   T9                             5                                             
   TA                             4                                             
  TA1                             1                                             
   TI                             1                                             
   TK                             1                                             
   TR                             1                                             
   UA                           104                                             
  UA2                             6                                             
  UA9                            42                                             
   UN                             3                                             
   UR                            77                                             
   V2                             1                                             
   V3                             1                                
   VK                             7                                             
 VP2V                             1                                             
  VP5                             3                                             
  VP9                             1                                             
  VS6                             1                                             
   VU                             2                                             
   XE                             4                                             
   XU                             1                                             
   YB                             6                                             
   YL                            10                                             
   YO                            20                                             
   YS                             2                                             
   YU                            16                                             
   YV                             5                                             
   Z2                             1                                             
   Z3                             3                                             
   ZA                             2                                             
  ZC4                             1                                             
  ZD8                             1                                             
   ZL                            11                                             
   ZP                             2                                             
   ZS                             5                                             

P.S. If some body is interested to see how our location look like 
please drop me a mesagge and I could send short JPG file of picture 
in 7PLUS or UUDECODE code. 
Address: Packet S55OO@S50BOX.SVN.EU
         E-mail S55OO@S55TCP.HAMRADIO.SI                                      

>From KI8W <ki8w@freenet.grfn.org>  Fri Nov 17 17:17:19 1995
From: KI8W <ki8w@freenet.grfn.org> (KI8W)
Subject: Packetcluster links
Message-ID: <9511181218.AA22696@grfn.org>

-- [ From: KI8W * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

Hi all:

Not sure who asked or which reflector it was on so will try 3!  Someone was
asking about packetcluster links via the internet.

I have added 10 packetcluster links with help files to help you connect,  to
my home page.  My address is:


Hope this helps.

73 de Barry/KI8W

>From gmaples@iquest.com (G. Mike Maples)  Sat Nov 18 13:32:34 1995
From: gmaples@iquest.com (G. Mike Maples) (G. Mike Maples)
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <199511181332.HAA10376@vespucci.iquest.com>

test ... My mail has been bouncing bk from the contest reflector ...for some 
reason ...  GG try this  ..  Dont thk ur getting any msg as of now ...

Tnx >>> MM

>From floydjr@nr.infi.net (jim floyd)  Sat Nov 18 15:58:49 1995
From: floydjr@nr.infi.net (jim floyd) (jim floyd)
Subject: ARRL SS 95 CW Scores FINAL POSTING!
Message-ID: <199511181605.LAA06744@moe.infi.net>


Compiled by

CALL              OP/SECT    SCORE    QS0'S     SECTS    HRS


K2ZJ                WNY    125,400     825        76 
K2PO/7               ID     96,944     664        73     24
K9AY                 CO     96,644     653        74
WIMJ                 CT     95,046     651        73     24
WA0RPI               IA     85,820     613        70
KI6GJ                       73,704     498        74
KH6CP/1              CT     70,290     495        71     
WA1GUV               VT     65,604     497        66     22
ND3F                 MD     45,156     318        71
KF9PL                       41,400     300        69     12.3
KK7A                 ID     37,830     291        65     10
WA3NNA              EPA     33,264     252        66     15
N2JJ                ENY     30,418     227        67     17
VE6SH                       28,242     209        68
WD9IAB                      23,364     198        59
K7FD                        15,660     135        58

Single/OP/Low Power/A

KR0Y                       209,286    1359        77
K0EU                 CO    190,152    1251        76
KP4VA  (OP KP4TK)          188,550    1257        75     24
N4ZZ                 TN    173,866    1129        77
N0AT                       169,650    1131        75 
W7ZRC                ID    168,720    1114        76
KM9P   (OP K7GM)           167,960    1105        76
W7RM                WWA    164,472    1068        77      
KO9Y                       163,856    1064        77
K0LUZ               NFL    163,552    1076        76
AD5Q                       161,424    1062        76
WA2SRQ                     157,776    1038        76
KC1F                       153,900    1026        75
AC1O/4                     153,384     996        77
K1TR   (AT N6BV)           153,368    1009        76
AA5WQ                      148,888    1006        74  
K7MM                       147,378     957        77
N0AX                       146,608     952        77 
N4OGW/9              IL    145,464     957        76
K0KX   (OP AA0VQ)          143,792     946        76
K4XU                 IL    143,700     958        75
KC6X                       141,526     919        77     23
N4ZR                 WV    139,800     932        75
K2IM                       138,138     897        77
AC4ZD                TN    137,250     911        75 
AA7BG                      137,240     940        73
KZ8E                       136,950     913        75
KK9W                 IA    134,680     910        74     24
AA0OB                MN    133,912     881        76     24
W5NN   (OP KB5YVT)         130,000     870        75
N7LOX               WWA    126,688     856        74     22.6
WT1O                EMA    124,468     841        74     24 
N4YOS                AL    123,300     822        75
WB9HRO                     122,700     818        75
NX7K                WWA    121,650     811        75
VE4GV                MB    119,376     829        72     18 
NN5T                       116,746     787        74
K8JLF               EMA    116,746     787        74
KB8N                       115,800     774        75
KB0IHM               MN    114,878     809        71     24
WA3HAE              WPA    113,960     770        74        
WA2LCC                     102,240     710        72
W8CAR                OH    100,886     691        73     20
W5UW   (OP WA5POK)          99,150     661        75 
WD0GVY               IA     98,420     665        74
N8NA                 DE     97,828     661        74     20
KG8PE  (12 YRS OLD)         93,328     614        76     24
AA1HJ                       92,400     616        75     23
KO7V                        92,400     600        77     15 
WQ5L                 MS     91,316     617        74     18
N3BGV               WPA     90,958     623        73     
AC4ZO                       80,550     537        75     18
WA6GDS              LAX     79,920     555        72     15
W1PH/6              SJV     73,704     498        74     15
W5KI                        69,560     470        74
NJ2L                WNY     68,586     483        71     11
WD4MUR               VA     68,248     449        76
KI4HN                       66,240     460        72
NJ1V                STX     62,780     430        73     14.3
AE2T                WNY     62,012     419        74     13                 
K3SA                        60,800     400        76
WA7VNI              WWA     59,340     430        69     21
KX7L                WWA     57,084     402        71        
WD4RDU/0                    55,216     406        68
W3GOI                       54,864     381        72     13.5
NO1J                        47,952     333        72
K7FR                EWA     47,436     354        67      7.5
NF6H                ORG     47,124     306        77     12
W9SZ                        46,340     331        70     12
N6KL                 CO     45,440     355        65     11 
K1TN                        43,148     322        67      8
KW1K                EWA     42,746     319        67     11
KR2J                        40,800     300        68      8.5
WB0OLA               IN     37,128     273        68     13.5
AA0XZ                       37,088     304        61     17 
KD0AV                IL     36,888     318        58      8
N9XX                 WI     34,170     255        67      6
NS8O                        33,180     237        70     15
AC4ZD                TN     30,208     236        64
AA8SM                       28,000     200        70     10
WA7BNM              LAX      8,712      66        66
N9WHG                IN      6,972      83        42      5 
KI7WX                        4,340      62        32      4

Single/OP/High Power/B

W5WMU  (OP N6TR)           240,548    1562        77
N5RZ   (OP K5GA)           231,000    1500        77
K1ZX                       224,960    1480        76
K5GN                       222,068    1442        77
W6GO   (OP N6IG)           221,452    1438        77
K6LL                       219,450    1425        77
NC0P   (OP AG9A)           219,296    1424        77
KI3V/7               NV    218,218    1417        77
K4VX/0 (OP WX3N)           216,832    1408        77
N6UR   (OP KR6X)           215,600    1400        77
K0RF                       213,712    1405        76
AA5BL                      211,736    1393        76
N2NT   (OP KZ2S)           210,520    1385        76
K5ZD                       209,748    1362        77
N6TV                       209,608    1379        76
K0KR                       208,650    1391        75
W0SD   (OP WD0T)           206,514    1341        77     24
N4BP                       200,640    1320        76
AB6FO                      200,508    1302        77
K1TO                       200,488    1319        76
W6QHS                      198,968    1292        77
N6RO                       196,536    1293        76
WC4E                       196,384    1292        76
K8AZ   (OP K8NZ)           193,578    1257        77
W2VJN               OR     193,270    1255        77     24
KS1G                       192,736    1268        76
WC6H                       190,912    1256        76
KS9K   (OP N0BSH)   WI     190,806    1239        77
KT3Y                       189,300    1262        75
KF3P                       187,572    1218        77
AA4NC               NC     186,352    1226        76
AA6KX                      182,798    1187        77
K1ZZ                       181,874    1181        77 
NA5Q                       181,258    1177        77 
K8CC   (OP K5GO)           179,208    1179        76
K4PQL               NC     179,968    1184        76
WM4T   (OP KU8E)           179,718    1167        77
N4ZC   (OP WZ3Q)    NC     178,024    1156        77
NB6G                       174,174    1131        77
KO1JL                      170,544    1122        76
W5ASP                      168,720    1111        76     19
W6XR/2                     166,896    1100        76
K9LJN                      166,440    1095        76
WB1GQR                     159,000    1060        75
KI0U                       159,296    1048        76
K1IU                       157,320    1035        76     20
NI6T                       155,386    1009        77
W0UO                       149,688     972        77
KE9I                       148,918     967        77     21
K0DI               LAX     143,250     955        75        
AB1T                VT     142,500     950        75     24
WF3T                       141,488     956        74     23
WR3O                TN     139,688     919        76
AI7B                       138,750     925        75     19
AB6WM                      138,320     910        76     18
WA6CTA              SF     130,568     859        76     20
W6RGG                      130,130     845        77     19 
K8JP                IN     123,912     881        76     22.7
WB0O                ND     118,552     813        73     12
WB4NFS                     117,968     808        73
N3IXR                      115,654     751        77
N1CC               ENY     107,800     700        77     16
AE0M                       101,332     658        77
W1IHN               NC      99,000     660        75     14.2
K9MA                        92,700     618        75     11
K1AR                        90,750     605        75     10
NI8L                        89,460     630        71     12
K8DO                        87,162     597        73     17
K8CX                        85,316     554        77
WA1G                        77,552     524        74     10.1
AA5UO                       72,534     471        77
WA7UVJ             WWA      70,992     552        68
K3SA                        56,800     400        71      7
K0GU                CO      45,630     351        65        
NC6U                        45,500     650        35
K0EJ                        40,800     340        60      5
W3CPB                       40,120     295        68
N5CT                UT      19,250     175        55
W1YU   (OP WI2E)            14,976     144        52      3
NC6U                         4,550      65        35      1


AA5B                       243,320    1580        77
K7UP                       222,684    1446        77 
KS9W                IL     194,348    1262        77
KM0L                       188,650    1225        77
K6XO                       178,024    1156        77
AA6WJ                      166,782    1083        77
K9UWA                      166,782    1083        77
N6KI               SDG     163,500    1061        77
W4ZYT                      154,308    1002        77
KL7Y                       139,050     927        75
K3WW                       120,120     780        77
KB2UGM             WNY     115,900     759        76
W6OAT              SCV     110,264     716        77     17.5
KE3Q                       106,000     716        75     13.5 
AA6MC L            SCV     100,716     654        77
Single Op/Multi Station

W90CF   (OP K8MR)           40,334     301        67      6
K8MR    (OP K8MR)           61,600     440        70      6.5
AC8E    (OP K8MR)           58,164     393        74      6.5
N8ATR   (OP K8MR)           46,784     344        68      4.7
Total                      206,882    1478        75     23.7

Operator List for Multi-Op

Call         Ops                                      Submitted
K7UP         K7UP,KN5H                                 K7UP
AA5B         AA5B,K5TA,K9RS                            AA5B
KM0L         KMOL,K0RWL,K0VBU                          KM0L
KL7Y         KL7Y,NL7GP                                KL7Y
N6KI         N6AZE,KM6SN,WB6NBU                        N6KI
K9UWA        K9UWA,WA8YVR,KC9LA                        K9UWA
K6XO         K6XO,W0MHS,N5CT,AB7GM                     K6XO
KS9W         KS9W,AA9LX,KD5PJ/9                        KD5PJ/9


This is the final posting so there is no need to send me any more
scores for this contest. I thank everyone for their help and hope to
see ya in SS SSB.

BTW as most of you have guessed the KP2 was the number one missed 
section with VY1 coming in second.

Anyone who sends me a score with no class on it will be put into the B
class. Feel free to email me and I will correct it.

As an interesting sidebar (you see I watched OJ), those of you who
made it to 76 but missed the last one might email me and tell me 
which one it was. I will then make up a poll just to see what was the
toughest to get. Pretty sure of the answer but it will be interesting
to look at it from a regional aspect. 

Hope you like this. It is a preview of the SSB contest.

73's Jim 

Amateur Call:  WA4ZXA
       Email:  floydjr@nr.infi.net
 Packet Node:  N4ZC   

>From floydjr@nr.infi.net (jim floyd)  Sat Nov 18 16:51:41 1995
From: floydjr@nr.infi.net (jim floyd) (jim floyd)
Subject: SS SSB Scores
Message-ID: <199511181658.LAA11368@moe.infi.net>

I have the following request when submitting your scores for SS SSB. It will
make my job a little easier. Here is the info I need.

Hours Wrkd

I really need all this to make it look right. Anyone who does not submitt a
class will be put into the B class or high power. Look forward to compiling
the scores and working everybody in the contest. 

I would also like to thank everyone for their kind remarks about my posting
on the email on the reflector. I realize that is was just some whinning but
since he mentioned what I was doing, I thought I would help to clear it up.

73's and Good Luck

Amateur Call:  WA4ZXA
       Email:  floydjr@nr.infi.net
 Packet Node:  N4ZC

>From kf7ay@getnet.com (Warren Hill)  Sat Nov 18 17:17:32 1995
From: kf7ay@getnet.com (Warren Hill) (Warren Hill)
Subject: Benin DXpedition Update
Message-ID: <v01510105acd35ff0d4e7@[]>

Below is the latest news relayed by e-mail from Roger, G3SXW. For a more
complete picture of this contest DXpedition, you are welcome to visit the
TY5A Home Page at:


Before, during and after the CQ World-Wide CW DX Contest, this web site
will be updated daily with information from the operators once they reach

73 de Warren/KF7AY


17 NOV 95: The team has left home and are now en route to Accra, Ghana as a
first stop. Each is carrying 80 Kg, or more, of luggage. We're doing lots
of sweet-talking to the airline check-in girls!

PROPAGATION: The WWV numbers are looking good and DX on 160-meters has been
excellent this week. The team is excited by the good propagation of the CQ
WW SSB contest. Hopefully the 27-day solar cycle will mean that the CW
weekend will also be blessed with good propagation. If so, we expect to be
working all six bands with big pile-ups.

REUNION: Most of us haven't met since Dayton, so the first evening together
in Ghana will no doubt be spent catching up. On Saturday, November 18th,
we'll install antennas and get QRV with 9G5 calls. We'll also be busy with
last minute arrangements for the trip to Benin.

LAND TRAVEL TO BENIN: On Tuesday, November 21st, we will drive East along
the Ghanaian coast (9G) to the Ghana-Togo border, through Togo (5V) and
into Benin (TY). This will mean two border crossings with many hundreds of
kilos of equipment. We have been told that its a five-hour journey but we
are allowing twelve!

STATIONS: At the QTH of Peter, TY1PS, the five operators intend to install
five stations, each with a TS930S and Alpha amplifier.

ANTENNAS: Verticals for the LF bands and yagis for the HF bands are
planned. All four beams will rotate, but the challenge will be to get them
up high enough. The two Force 12 verticals for 80 and 160 will be installed
at the Novotel Hotel in Accra, Ghana for further last minute testing. The
location in Benin will be on the beach, next to the Gulf of Guinea, with
lots of space, but no high buildings or trees.

160m: Force 12 vert + 1/2 wave dipole + beverage 80m: Force 12 vertical +
1/2-wave dipole 40m: Cushcraft 2 element 40-2CD
20m: Hy-Gain 7 element tribander TH7
15m: Force 12 4 element mono-bander
10m: Cushcraft 3 element mono-bander
40-10m: Cushcraft R7 vertical

ANTENNA SUPPORTS: Six poles, 20-feet high, have been purchased in Accra.
They can be accomodated in the 30-seater bus that will transport us to
Cotonou, Benin and back to Accra, Ghana.

UPDATES: Look for more updates on our home page on Wednesday, November
22nd. We'll let you know if we've reached Cotonou in one piece, and with
all the gear!

73 de Roger/G3SXW "See you in the contest!" 5NN35 de TY5A.


                       KF7AY in Arizona
                         Warren Hill
                   e-mail: kf7ay@getnet.com
       home page: http://www.getnet.com/~kf7ay/home.html


>From Bob Patten <z002816b@bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us>  Sat Nov 18 18:48:31 1995
From: Bob Patten <z002816b@bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us> (Bob Patten)
Subject: Challenge to AC1O, 10M Contest

Walt, Have not received any response to my challenge in this year's 10M 
Contest.  If you did not receive it, tell me and I will restate it.  If 
you did, I made one typo - I offered the same low power mult that you and 
'ZX agreed on for the CW SS, but mistated it as 1.5 instead of 1.25 - I'm 
not all that confident!
                                73,             BP

Bob Patten

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