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From: cvanhoo@heartland.bradley.edu (Chuck Van Hoorn)
Date: Fri Apr 21 09:24:54 1995

>From lvn@fox.gsfc.nasa.gov (Larry Novak)  Fri Apr 21 14:26:17 1995
From: lvn@fox.gsfc.nasa.gov (Larry Novak) (Larry Novak)
Subject: Dayton Room?
Message-ID: <9504211326.AA02349@cen.com>

Well, I've just decided to go to Dayton. I can stay with a friend
outside of town, but I'd rather be where the action is .. if anyone has
a room or needs a roommate, let me know.

Larry, K3TLX


 | Larry Novak                    \-\-\             email:   lnovak@cen.com |
 | Century Computing                |                 Tel:   (301) 953-3330 |
 | 8101 Sandy Spring Road           |          Tel (@NRL):   (202) 404-7682 |
 | Laurel, MD 20707                 |                 Fax:   (301) 953-2368 |
 | http://www.cen.com/              |       Amateur Radio:    K3TLX         |

>From Brian McGinness <CARL02@MACCVM.CORP.MOT.COM>  Fri Apr 21 16:08:43 1995
From: Brian McGinness <CARL02@MACCVM.CORP.MOT.COM> (Brian McGinness)
Subject: 95 IOTA contest dxpedition
Message-ID: <"CARL02 95/04/21 15:08:43.310974"@MACCVM.CORP.MOT.COM>

I stopped by NA-139 (Assateague Is., Md.) yesterday and made
arrangements with the National Park Service to operate during
the IOTA contest from NA-139.

This year arrangements have been made with them to allow
a 1kw operation, with better antennas than last year. Plans
include a tribander on a mast for 10/15/20, and dipoles hung
in the scrub pines for 40 and 80. Hope to get a lot of the locals
in 1,2 and 3-land on 80 meters. Usually 20 and 15 get all
the emphasis and the locals can't get through.

Myself and Mark, AA3HA will be doing a small multi-op
from there, signing WA3WJD/P starting at 1200z, Saturday July 29.
We will be on 40 and 80 later in the evening Saturday night. The
runs for 24 hours only, and we will be both on cw and ssb. You
can work us on both modes in this contest.

Please give us a call. The swarms of mosquitoes are pretty
bad that time of year, so lots of activity will keep my mind
off being eaten alive!

73, Brian WA3WJD

>From Steve Lund <stevel@srsdcst0.sr.hp.com>  Fri Apr 21 17:56:01 1995
From: Steve Lund <stevel@srsdcst0.sr.hp.com> (Steve Lund)
Subject: ISD 1000 & DVKs
Message-ID: <9504211556.AA10589@srsdcst0.sr.hp.com>

Fellow contesters,

I've been interested in building a DVK. Radio Shack has a part (276-1325) in
their catalog that might be what I'm looking for. When I visited my local
Radio Shack, the part is marked ISD 1000A and is described as being able to
store 20 seconds of audio.

>From the information that I have this appears to be the same as the 
ISD 1020A, which is used in the MFJ-432. The R/S part comes with a data sheet,
but no information on the package as to the sampling rate.  Does anyone
know what the differences, if any, are between the ISD 1000A and ISD 1020A?

Does anyone know of a source for the ISD 1016/20A?

Steve WA8LLY/6

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