Here are some highlights and operator information on the VP5VW
multi-multi from VP5JM's Hamlet on Providenciales:
160 Meters - primary op - Dan, WT8N. w/floater Don, K8MFO
Antennas - delta loop at 70' and 2 beverages. EU & USA.
TS930 and MLA2500
First hour 97 followed by 69,59,66 hours. Good conditions. Antennas
work great! Good EU opening both nights. Snagged 4X4NJ, UY5, GW3,
UA2, HZ1AB, RW6, YL2, OH2 and FK8CP. (Yes, we were DX. That is
the only reason we got him, hi.)
First European was G3HTA at 0119z Friday night.
160 band totals (rough) 886 X 17 X 74
80 Meters - primary op - Goose, WD8LLD & w/floater K8MFO
Antennas - dipole & hytower and beverage for rx.
TS930 and ALPHA 78 (running less than 500W)
Hourly rates: first 5 hours average above 100/hour.
Lots and lots of Europe. Highlights of multipliers are:
RU3, SU1MT, H20A, LY, YL, ZB2X, KH0, HZ1, LX, HV, T91,
TF3CW, JA, 9G5.
Beverage favored EU and was very useful. It was terminated.
Heard EU at 3pm local time on the beverage.
80 meter band totals (rough) 1634 X 26 X 92
40 Meters - primary op Jim, W9VNE and K8MFO second primary op.
TS930 & SB220 with a 2 ele beam (shortened) at about 50 '
These two guys cleaned up 40 meters.
First hour 151 with second hour a remarkable 172. First 5 hours
netted 795 qsos for an average of 159/hour! Even the last hour
of the contest was over 100/hour. It was nearly a 24 hour band
from down there.
VU2NTT was 20 over S9.
Multiplier highlights include: 9J, 5R8, 9M8, JW, DU, OX, HZ, 4K9W,
TA, A2, SU2. And 5T5 and 5X5 minutes apart. Plus 9K2ZZ, FR5DX, A7
and of course YK0A.
There was only 1 hour of off time (band dead) in the first 24 hours!
40 meter totals (rough) 3023 X 33 X 126
20 Meters - primary op Iron Man Bob, W6RGG and Geoff, W0CG
TS930 and SB220 with an A4 tribander up high overlooking the Atlantic.
Bob worked over 250 JA's! He must have thought he was at home in Northern
A 24 hour band. But, did lose it for 2 hours or so Saturday nite to a
flare or something.
Hourly rates ran mostly in the 2 a minute range (120/hour) with 14 hours
over 100/hour! And, at times on 20 meters the pileup was so thick all
you could do is sit back and laugh. In the evenings, it was literally
worldwide propagation.
Same multiplier highlights as on 40 with additions of:
JT, VS6, TI9, OD, ZA and 4S7.
20 meter band totals (rough) 3,394 X 38 X 123
15 Meters - primary op Doug, WD8AUB with W0CG.
TS940 and SB200 with Pro 67 tribander at 50 feet.
Doug got fish poisoning and couldn't walk or even stand
for very long and the foot switch (relay spark on the SB200)
was a problem.
The band was kind of funny. The east coast W's reported
EU openings on 15 early in the AM (5am local), but not so
down there. It was 9am local before any real rates materilaized.
But it was fast and furious when it was in. JA's real weak and
short openings.
Rates: 12 hours over 100/hour; 1 hour averaging 3 qsos per minute
and several bursts of 5 qsos per minute (sustained). Highest
rate 187 per hour. Sunday had 2 hours at 147/hour.
Asia was disappointing and only got a few long-haul contacts:
FR5DX and VK8TM on the long-path. And a 4L station.
Multipliers disappointing: Band totals (rough) 2288 X 31 X 103
10 Meters - primary op Allen, WA4DRU with W0CG and K8MFO.
TS930 and an MLA 2500 with a 4 ele monobander (courtesy of N. FLA group).
Some interesting openings, but no real big rates. One hour over 100 /hr.
Stateside was very poor. Only worked our home area friends in Ohio via
backscatter (both beams pointed at EU). Skip just too long. The
monobander was only up 25 feet, but still no dice.
Multipliers were good though with: HZ, 9X, A3, T32, 5T5, JA, 5U7, 9G,
UA2 and 9H.
Some pretty good EU runs both days, but limited mostly to western eu
and southern eu. Some UA's and eastern EU. Lots of DL's.
10 meter band totals (rough) 625 X 24 X 74
Revised (rough) score is about 22,000,000.
73 to all and thanks all for the qsos from the VP5VW ops. QSL's to
(K8MFO is now on Internet, too: KARVONEN@DELPHI.COM)