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N2RM Operation

Subject: N2RM Operation
From: johnp@pc16.idcg.com (johnp@pc16.idcg.com)
Date: Fri Dec 9 07:35:35 1994
WB2EKK said:
>>rather than operate with that clique-ish N2RM crowd. I'm sure any more
>>operators there 

N4HY said:
>I didn't notice any smiley's here so I can only assume you are serious.  Are
>you really kidding?  Every time I have operated there, more than one operator
>is there that has not operated a contest before, and is not a member of
>a contest club.  If you mean they give some preference for FRC folks (so
>the score for the FRC is bolstered), then you're probably right, but so what?
I, WB2EKK, say:


or more colorfully:


I realize that I am not James Thurber, or even Dave Barry, but I didn't realize 

needed "smileys" to figure out when I was being humorous. But I did get a few 

notes along the same vein - maybe I've been writing for the Government too 

Congratulations to AD1C and WX3N for seeing the humor.

My note on N2RM was intended to be humorous: I operate at W3LPL, want LPL to 

RM, etc.

This dependence on emoticons to determine if something is serious or not is 

I hope you guys haven't been taking Rush Limbaugh or Ross Perot seriously!!??!!


John Pescatore WB2EKK
IDC Government
Falls Church, VA  

>From Peter G. Smith" <n4zr@netcom.com  Fri Dec  9 13:02:52 1994
From: Peter G. Smith" <n4zr@netcom.com (Peter G. Smith)
Subject: Virus Warning
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9412090530.A19771-0100000@netcom>

For what it's worth, a Finnish company specializing in viruse detection 
software says that both the "Good Times" virus and another titles XXX-1 
are figments of the collective 'Net imagination.  Nevertheless, I doubt 
I'll be titling any messages "Good Times..."

73, Pete                                       
"Better, faster,cheaper -- choose any two"

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