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From: bill.lumnitzer@paonline.com (bill.lumnitzer@paonline.com)
Date: Mon Sep 12 16:16:47 1994
 Bi> 3) Heard a couple of the BIG GUNS lining up good mults before the
 Bi> contest began. I guess it's OK, but I personally think it is not in
 Bi> the spirit of the competition.

Down at the big Gaithersburg, MD hamfest yesterday, there were posters
up Everywhere advertising the K3MQH operation in the VHF contest.  They
even had at least one setup in the tailgating area where they solicited
you to hook up your HT to their big yagis on any or all of several vhf
bands to work the "guys"! I've never seen anything like this before, but
then maybe I've led a sheltered life!

 Bi> 5) One hour before the test began, one of the TS-930S blew a power
 Bi> supply. So
 Bi> had to replace it with another. But after I did that, the SB-220 began
 Bi> arcing!!!! So, I had to replace that with an ALPHA. With 15 min. to go
 Bi> before
 Bi> the start, I finally was ready.

Boy, were you lucky.  When things like that happen to me, I'm not usually
ready until 15 min. AFTER the start! ;-)

73 N6CQ/3

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil@seattleu.edu  Mon Sep 12 20:15:36 1994
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil@seattleu.edu (H. Ward Silver)
Subject: the /125 thing
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9409121233.B413-9100000@bach>

On Mon, 12 Sep 1994 zf8bs@twg.com wrote:

> Like I said, these guys had the biggest piles.  How else could you ever get
> such a pile going from the rare country of North Texas???
>                               Bruce, AA6KX
Easy, have a disaster there! Seriously, I hope we see some of the /125
chasers in the SS in Nov.  Particularly Sunday afternoon.  Why not sponsor
a /SS certificate good for contacts between, say, 2000Z and 2400Z Sunday?

Ward N0AX

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