Well, the XYL is going out of town for a week so I'm planning a bit of
uninhibited contesting (viz, NA QSO, SEANET, SARTG RTTY, KCJ & NJ QSO)
this weekend. For NJ QSO, we'll be working multi-muti with the kids but
running low power (but the FT-7 is qrp). Altho I lived in NJ for 6 months
working for RCA(in Camden no less), I'll have to admit I have no idea
what any of the counties are? Could someone post them, or send me a list?
73, alan N2ALE/6
aka ames@force.decnet.lockheed.com
>From alan@dsd.es.com (Alan Brubaker) Tue Aug 16 16:57:48 1994
From: alan@dsd.es.com (Alan Brubaker) (Alan Brubaker)
Subject: NJ QSO
Message-ID: <9408161556.AA15344@dsd.ES.COM>
Hi Alan...
Sounds like a wild time in all those contests .... .. I hope that
the propagation gods are nicer to you than they were to us last
weekend. Here are the NJ counties (I also have all of the other
states too if you are interested).
---------------------snip snip---------------------------------------
NJ:Bergen NJ:Burlington NJ:Camden
NJ:Cape May NJ:Cumberland NJ:Essex
NJ:Gloucester NJ:Hudson NJ:Hunterdon
NJ:Mercer NJ:Middlesex NJ:Monmouth
NJ:Morris NJ:Ocean NJ:Passaic
NJ:Salem NJ:Somerset NJ:Sussex
NJ:Union NJ:Warren
Alan, K6XO
Just some more roadkill on the Information SuperHighway...