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Wasted away again...

Subject: Wasted away again...
From: KA9FOX@aol.com (KA9FOX@aol.com)
Date: Thu Jun 30 19:10:27 1994
AA4NC@aol.com writes:
  > With apologies to Jimmy Buffett, the 
  > WB5WBW/WB5 Field Day Bluegrass Band debuts 
  > it's new hit single:  "WASTED AWAY AGAIN IN 
  > REPEATERVILLE"                                

No apologies needed Will!!  "Margaritaville" is one of my favorite songs and
you've done it justice!  Jimmy Buffett would have been proud.  Nice job.

BTW, did you write this DURING field day?  You really did capture the essence
of a typical FD with one lone contester amongst a club of 'shack-on-a-belts'.

73 Scott KA9FOX

QRZ Field Day from Whiskey Zero Alpha Italy Hotel.
   "Monday Tuesday Friday"
The Mexico Tango Foxtrot, you're two E Wisconsin, QSL?
The station ending Mexico Tango Foxtrot, are you there?
Nothing heard.  QRZ Field Day from Whiskey Zero Alpha Italy Hotel.
   "Monday Tuesday Friday"
OK.  Monday Tuesday Friday, you're two E Wisconsin, QSL?
   "Yeah, QSL.  Please copy One Alpha in Virginia"
OK, but can you give me your full callsign please?
   "Roger, our callsign here is Kilo Charlie Four Monday Tuesday Friday"
OK, KC4MTF, thanks.  QRZ Field Day...

Just another Field Day QSO from hell, courtesy of KA9FOX.
(the call and section have been changed to protect the guilty)

>From Craig Bystrom <craigb@isumataq.eskimo.com>  Tue Mar  1 00:18:42 1994
From: Craig Bystrom <craigb@isumataq.eskimo.com> (Craig Bystrom)
Subject: 10m test scores?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9402281603.A18800-0100000@isumataq.eskimo.com>

Does anybody have a list of the '93 ARRL Ten meter test scores?
I've only been on the reflector for a couple of weeks, and would like
to get some idea of how I did. If anyone has a list, please send to me
I operated K7RI, single op, high power, phone only:

1204 x 68 = 163,744

Low mults, didn't work any Europe or Africa, only a couple short JA runs.

Also, I guess CQ Magazine didn't receive my log for the '93 WPX SSB,
so, for the record:

AA7RN  626 x 382 = 520,666

Thanks, 73
Craig AA7RN  craigb@eskimo.com

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