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From: ka9fox@aol.com (ka9fox@aol.com)
Date: Thu Mar 10 17:06:15 1994
I am compiling the band breakdowns for the top 6 scores in each category for
the '94 ARRL DX SSB contest.  K1DG took scores on 3830 but had to leave town
and couldn't post the breakdowns he got.  I have SOME, but I am also missing
some.  I am looking for breakdowns for the following stations:


M/2:  WT3Q

M/S:  K1VR, K8AZ, K5NA, WX0B, K5XI



Please e-mail them directly to me:  KA9FOX@AOL.COM

I'll post the breakdowns on Monday.  73 Scott KA9FOX

>From barry@w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner)  Thu Mar 10 12:33:26 1994
From: barry@w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner) (Barry Kutner)
Subject: ARRL Internet submission
Message-ID: <F32yic2w165w@w2up.wells.com>

I sent my CW log via Internet last week, and asked them for confrimation
of receipt (they lost one of my logs via mail last year). Have not heard
from them. ANyone know if they confirm receipt of logs via Internet. If
so, how long should I wait before trying again? Tnx/Barry

Barry N. Kutner, W2UP       Usenet/Internet: barry@w2up.wells.com
Newtown, PA                 Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
                            Packet Cluster: W2UP >K2TW (FRC)

>From Hodge Thorgerson David Cameron-INBA <hodge@redvax1.dgsca.unam.mx>  Thu 
>Mar 10 22:49:44 1994
From: Hodge Thorgerson David Cameron-INBA <hodge@redvax1.dgsca.unam.mx> (Hodge 
Thorgerson David Cameron-INBA)
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9403101644.B14728-0100000@redvax1.dgsca.unam.mx>



   160      80      40      20      15      10      TOTAL
 152/39   221/47  309/53  559/56  1147/59 2299/53  4687/307

SCORE  4,309,359 points

time on air - approx. 41 hours

I hadn't planned to go LP, it just happened.  I had no luck on 40/80/160
Friday evening so I just went to bed.  We fixed an output problem at 7am
Saturday and I never went to bed again.
10 was tough in that I could not work AR,MS,NM,OK.  I did work a million 
MN stations, though.
Who couldn't understand my call?  I Dictioned myself sore and still some
inadequate operators couldn't get who they had just worked.  There is
certainly something lacking in the general level of phone operation vs 
cw, but am I just stating the obvious?  I began to include "full calls
please" in my CQs.
I had some great fun on 80 and especially 160 on Saturday night. Good runs.
Ralph, K9ZO surprized me with, "I can't believe you can hear me!"

Rig - TS-950S (I still don't really know how to work it.  Old school op!)

Ants-HY-GAIN LP, dipoles for 40/80/160.  

Any questions?  Be happy to chat about this one.  Who else was DX low power?

73 and thanks for the Qs,  David Hodge  XE1/AA6RX  

>From Scott A Stembaugh <n9ljx@ecn.purdue.edu>  Thu Mar 10 23:18:43 1994
From: Scott A Stembaugh <n9ljx@ecn.purdue.edu> (Scott A Stembaugh)
Subject: X5BYZ
Message-ID: <9403102318.AA25839@en.ecn.purdue.edu>

In message <9403091403.tn370834@aol.com> you write:
>Enter X5=T9 in CT and it will count as Bosnia.  I was told by the Contest
>Desk at ARRL to leave them in the log.  Apparently no decision has been made
>on how to count them.  They will apply the decision to everyone's log after
>the decision is made.

Thanks to all who responded. It appears the best move would be to leave it in
the log as a QSO but not a mult and let the checkers ding it if they decide
it is no good.


>From hhoyt@k4pql.apex.nc.us (Howard <hhoyt@k4pql.apex.nc.us> Lynn Hoyt)  Thu 
>Mar 10 23:20:59 1994
From: hhoyt@k4pql.apex.nc.us (Howard <hhoyt@k4pql.apex.nc.us> Lynn Hoyt) 
(Howard <hhoyt@k4pql.apex.nc.us> Lynn Hoyt)
Subject: Third the motion
Message-ID: <o2VZic3w165w@k4pql.apex.nc.us>

I agree- low or high band offers a good challenge
without the sunday blahs. If it were between single
band and tri-band, I vote for the later.
73, Howie K4PQL


>From D. Leeson" <0005543629@mcimail.com  Fri Mar 11 03:40:00 1994
From: D. Leeson" <0005543629@mcimail.com (D. Leeson)
Subject: P40V M/S ARRL SSB
Message-ID: <82940311034028/0005543629NA3EM@mcimail.com>

P40V (AI6V, W6QHS ops):  9625 x 342 = 9.87M

This is a minor correction; found a few more mults when combining paper log
with CT log.  Definitely M/S - one TS-930 and one Alpha 87A and two good
sleepers.  Tnx for Q's!

Dave, P40Q - W6QHS

>From Bruce B. Sawyer" <zf8bs@twg.com  Fri Mar 11 03:32:29 1994
From: Bruce B. Sawyer" <zf8bs@twg.com (Bruce B. Sawyer)
Message-ID: <9403110332.AA17656@eco.twg.com>

>   160      80      40      20      15      10      TOTAL
> 152/39   221/47  309/53  559/56  1147/59 2299/53  4687/307
>SCORE  4,309,359 points
>time on air - approx. 41 hours
>Any questions?  Be happy to chat about this one.  Who else was DX low power?
With about an hour left to go in the contest, I heard the operator at NP2I
say he just cleared 4500 Q's.  He was operating low power.  I wish I could
tell when I heard him mention this, because a difference of 30 minutes or so
could mean he beat you!  At any rate, I think NP2I could be serious
competition for the low power winner on the DX side.
                                          Bruce, AA6KX

>From AGDM25A@prodigy.com (MR KEVEN J DROST)  Fri Mar 11 04:48:09 1994
Subject: the "GREY HOLE"
Message-ID: <013.00445037.AGDM25A@prodigy.com>

The "Black Hole" wasn't quite so opaque here last weekend.  Condx were
certainly a big improvement over CW weekend, especially on Saturday.
Here's my observations from 42 degrees N by 82 W (Detroit) during a fairly
serious 36-hour single op effort...

10 MTRS - Absolutely NO EUROPE.  Not even an I or EA8.  Maybe some were
there Saturday, but I stayed on 15.  Very nice Pacific opening from 20Z -
22Z Saturday afternoon.  No JA's however.  Sunday afternoon heard a JA with
beam at 270 deg.  But when I swung up to normal heading, there was nothing
... not even any band noise.  Heard other 9's and 0's working the JA and a KL7.

15MTRS - Decent JA opening for 1st hour.  Worked a few dozen on search and
pounce, but not good enuff to run and CQ.  Saturday morning started an
EXCELLENT EU opening.  Hit the band early - abt 1300Z.  (thats early for
Michigan).  Cleared off a spot right in middle of band around 21325 and
just sat there for six hours.  The runs came in waves.  Had  back to back
100+hours, peaking at 148!  Signals were fairly decent.  You know the bands
good when you work mobiles .... (had 5 or 6).  Carried the run til almost
19Z.  During lulls just turned on the F1 rpt and scanned 10 with the 2nd
rig.  The evening JA opening was a disappointment.  Constantly check band
from 22Z -on.  JA was there, and peaked around here from 2345 - 0030.  Was
able to rip off a modest run but otherwise band wasn't quite good enuff to
run.  Able to maintain 50/hr search and pounce though.  Sunday, of course
way down.  Only EU comin thru were 500W major stations.  EU peaked about
16Z-17Z.  Ran a few medetarrain stns.  Listened to K5ZD quietly running EU
around 21250.  I could easily hear most stations responding to him but they
weren't "banging the pin" as Randy reported.  I daydreamed about running
100KW ERP.  I bet that would do it!  Spent a little time swinging 5 element
15M beam while listening to 9A1A.   He peaked at 90degrees instead of our
usual 45-60deg.  W3LPL seemed to be EVERYWHERE!  Case in point.  Sunday AM
was listening to W4MYA run EU way up in band arnd 21400.  A C56? answered
him.  I asked the C56 to "listen up five".  This almost never works, but I
gave a short 3 -by- 1 call (to not attract too much attention) and the C56
came back!  I worked him and then BAM about half a dozen stations were
calling him including LPL.  THATS FAST!  He must have been using his 2nd
15m stn cuz I swung back down to bottom edge and there he was still
broadcasting CQ in that bottom 10khz  "multi-multi row".  Marginal JA
opening during last hour of test.  Of course lotsa South Americans.  Wish
some of them would QRS.  You can wait for the fast ones to give their call
five or six times and still not be sure you got it right!

20MTRS - Pretty decent.  Throughout FRIDAY night scanned 20 from time to
time with 2nd rig.  About 01Z in the middle of an apparently "dead" band
found a C51 wrapping up a ragchew.  Easily worked him with one call and no
pile-up!  Slept thru early Saturday morning EU opening, then stayed on 15.
Saturday afternoon EU opening was quite good from 20Z-22Z.  Runs were fb
when I was able to clear off a spot, but the band was so crowded, that it
was immpossible to stay put more that 10-20 minutes.  Decent JA opening Sat
evening from 01Z-03Z.  Sunday hit 20M hard.   Morning EU opening was quite
good.  Since 15 was "depressed", was able to maintain decent runs on 20 til
1600Z!  Many times I heard Africa stns responding to E. Coast CQs, but
these guys must have had their beams too far north.  They either ignored
them or asked for numerous repeats..  Swing your beams east every now and
then guys!

40MTRS - The foriegn broadcast QRM just ruins this band.  I don't mind the
QSX, but the DX phone band is so small and junked up with packett that the
QRM is unbearable.  Nice EU opening late Friday night from 06Z-08Z.  Then
some surprisingly strong JA's early about 09Z, then went to bed.

80MTRS - This band was just beautiful all weekend.  EU signals fairly
strong, and the QRN was nice and low - especially Saturday night.  Just
beautiful.  Got up Sunday morning and worked JA1YXP about 12Z.  He was
right there!  75MTRS has to be pretty good to work JA from here!

16MTRS - Pretty good condx.  Picked up 15 countries  Friday night - all
Carribean/SA.  C6AHK was really strong.  I listened to all kinds of tiny
weak signals in his pileup for a couple minutes before I realized "hey!
that loud guy is him!"   Saturday night worked A EUROPEAN - I3MAU.   He was
verrry weak, drifting in and out with QSB about 05Z.  Still - thats a big
deal for me.  Can't remember the last time I worked EU on 160 SSB - I think
it was in the last cycle low!

All in all a fun time.  Started out as a casual operation, but with condx
up, it got kinda serious.  Slept 4-5 hours both nights.

            73, Kevin WA8ZDT - 1500Qs x 375 mult = 1.7meg

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