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Contesters' Email List (cont)

Subject: Contesters' Email List (cont)
From: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com (pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com)
Date: Fri Dec 10 11:09:56 1993
oops, can never remember what ctrl-z does on which system.

To remove yourself from the list, send a message to CQ-CONTEST-REQUEST@TGV.COM
with the subject and body consisting of SET CONCEAL. Voila - your right to
privacy is maintained.

The final recommendation was to simply send the list to the reflector, thus
enabling ADD to use a more user friendly format.

Any questions, problems, changes, send me a note at pescatore_jt@ncsd.gte.com.

Thanks, John Pescatore WB2EKK

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