If you have or are planning to get the latest WR3G master.dta, hang on
a while.
There were 3 master.dta files circulating, the complete set, the DX-only file,
and a W/VE-only file. Labelled MASTERA.DTA, MASTERD.DTA, and MASTERW.DTA.
Oops, there is a fourth one, though it is for VHF. I havent looked at that one.
It is labelled MASTERV.DTA or somesuch.
There is a bit of a mixup on the separation of calls, US stations that
are portable DX have ended up in the W/VE data instead of in the DX data.
A few things like KG4xx and company also are a bit mixed.
I sent an email to WR3G via K3LR yesterday, and I spoke with K1EA today.
Oh yeah, I don't work for them. I didn't ask what, if anything would be done,
but I ASSUME something will be. Just wanted to alert those who may find the
same mixup that K1EA et al are aware of it.
And most importantly, since I was at multi-ops for most all 92-93, I am
missing!! So I should be added! :-) ....and have a nice day.
73 de Luigi
John L. Luigi Giasi, AA1AA jlgiasi@umassmed.ummed.edu
System Programmer
Scientific Computing, IRD
University of Massachusetts Medical Center ..._._