>From POP3@uu2.psi.com. Fri Sep 10 14:21:07 1993
Received: from mbunix.mitre.org by uu2.psi.com (5.65b/4.0.071791-PSI/PSINet)
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id AA21750 for poparrl; Fri, 10 Sep 93 15:28:19 -0400
Received: from qmgate.mitre.org by mbunix.mitre.org (911016.SGI/4.7)
id AA22998; Fri, 10 Sep 93 15:27:48 -0400
Message-Id: <9309101927.AA22998@mbunix.mitre.org>
Posted-From: The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, MA
Resent-From: edward_deichler@iegate.mitre.org
From: "Edward Deichler" <Edward_Deichler@iegate.mitre.org>
Subject: Field Day 1993
To: Billy Lunt, <contests@arrl.org>
Return-Receipt-To: "Edward Deichler" <Edward_Deichler@iegate.mitre.org>
Aaaaaarrrrggggghhhh!!! Field Day 1993
I received a strange message routed exclusively from the University of Texas at
Austin from someone saying that they did not have any FD scores. If you are a
student there, I can understand; otherwise, my mail was mis-directed.
If you are not collating Field Day scores, please let me know who is. Just
curious to see how we (N1NH) did this year.
73 de Ed, K2TE