For some it is hard to believe but there are people who don't
like contests.
To give them also bandwidth for their way of ham radio it has been a
noble gesture of the contest minded society to limit their band use
during contesting. These Contest Preferred Frequencies were defined
for 80 and 20 meters during the IARU 1 conferences in the past and
although not yet always and everywhere respected, they surely contribute
to a more positive image of the contesters. These "Contest Bands" are :
20 meter Phone 14.125 - 14.300 MHz
20 meter CW 14.000 - 14.060 MHz
80 meter Phone 3.600 - 3.650 MHz and 3.700 - 3.800
80 meter CW 3.500 - 3.560 MHz
The next session of the Region 1 IARU conference is taking
place from September 20 to 24. Here I suggested it might be a good time
to extend the bands with Contest Preferred Frequencies to 10 and 15 meters.
In the comming 4 or 5 years this will not be very effective but it is
nice to have everything organized when the next solar cycle starts comming
My question to you is :
What should be the Contest Preferred Frequencies for
15 and 10 meters both on Phone as well as on CW?
Some point to be of interest might be :
- The defined allocations exclusive for CW
21.000 - 21.150 and 28.000 - 28.200
- The allocations for Phone
21.150 - 21.450 and 28.300 - 29.700
- Other allocations in the CW and Phone bands
RTTY 21.080 - 21.120 and 28.080 - 28.150,
SSTV 21.335 - 21.345 and 28.675 - 28.685,
Packet, AMTOR, beacons, etc. etc.
- Allocations to special ("Novices") license classes like
USA (28.300 - 28.500) , Spain and Holland (21.150 - 21.200 )
All input will be welcome. I will putting forward a proposal at the
conference and the definition will also depend on your reactions.
Let the TRUE contester speak!
Anton Mandos ON6NL
Contest Manager UBA
Member HF Contest working group IARU R1