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Subject: No subject
From: bob@mtdcr.att.com (bob@mtdcr.att.com)
Date: Fri Jul 23 14:44:00 1993
Subject: Re: Keyboard Redefinition for CT
To: att!tgv.com!cq-contest
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL22]
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Content-Length: 952       

Looking through the /pub/msdos/keyboard directory on
oak.oakland.edu, it appears that the "dkey" program may
do what you want.  Just FTP the file "dkey.arc."  It
has a TSR program "dk.com" that you can call by typing
^\ (control \).  Then, you simply type the key that you
want remapped and what you want it mapped to, followed
by another ^\.

I hope this does what you want.  I assume no responsibility,
etc.  If you like it, the author begs for $10.

Bob K2PH

| Bob Schreibmaier       | UUCP:      att!mtdcr!bob     |
| AT&T Bell Laboratories | INTERNET:  bob@mtdcr.att.com |
| 200 Laurel Avenue      | Telephone: 908-957-2591      |
| Middletown, NJ 07747   | FAX:       908-957-7105      |

Oh yeah, I almost forgot:  I don't speak for AT&T and they
sure as hell don't speak for me.  That's probably better
for both of us.

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