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Anyone in Singapore?

Subject: Anyone in Singapore?
From: ericr@access.digex.net (Eric Rosenberg)
Date: Wed May 26 22:50:00 1993
I'm passing through Singapore on my way to/from Indonesia (June 12 going,
July 3rd returning), and was wondering if there are any reflectees from 
there...I thought I saw a callsign a couple of days back.

In any event, please send e-mail...no need to carry on here.


Eric Rosenberg                          WD3Q, EI4VPS, ZL0ADG, J20BY, etc.
Volunteers In Technical Assistance      voice: +703-276-1800
1600 Wilson Blvd., Suite 500            fax:   +703-243-1865
Arlington, VA 22209  USA                ericr@access.digex.com

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