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Some half time contest facts.

Subject: Some half time contest facts.
From: intelhf!agora!putz!tyreel@uunet.UU.NET (intelhf!agora!putz!tyreel@uunet.UU.NET)
Date: Fri Mar 19 06:57:00 1993
I know a lot of people are all excited about half time categories in
contests, but here are some facts as I see them:

1. It will be impossible to get the sponsers to add to their work load
   by introducing another new category.

2. If someone feels strongly enough about this to do something besides 
   write messages to this reflector, they CAN make it happen all by 
   themselves.  Here is how to make half time a reality for 9 major 

   - Contact the NCJ Editor and ask if it would be okay for you to write
     a column that would take up one page each issue.

   - Solicit half time entries in the major contests (ARRL DX, WPX, IARU,
     CQ WW and SS).

   - Look over the logs, make sure they get published by the magazine and
     generate a half time score listing that all the contesters can see.
     If you get enough interest, you can probably get some money from the
     NCJ to actually print certificates.

3. This will either work and maybe even work so well, the sponsors will notice
   and adopt it themselves, or it will not work too well, but still be a valid
   entry class that generates some activity (maybe).  

4. My prediction is that nothing will happen because we all expect something
   for nothing.  I have a good excuse for not doing it (I am already doing
   the CW sprint and am on the CQ contest committe), but what is your excuse?
Consider yourself empowered to MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!  This is the ONLY way something
will happen (again in my opinion).

Tree  N6TR

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