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IARU scores

Subject: IARU scores
From: larryt@rocky.ateq.com (Larry Tyree x 7210)
Date: Mon Jul 13 13:01:30 1992
N6TR/7 - CW Only - about 21 hours.

     BAND   QSOs   Points    Zones   Societies   Antennas
     ---    ----   ------    -----   ---------   --------
     160      5      11         4        0       Inv vee @ 90 feet
      80     36      92        11        0       Loaded 45' tribander tower
      40    140     506        25        2       3 el @ 85 feet + sloper
      20    559    2337        41        5       5 el @ 85 feet + tribander
      15    596    2598        29        7       4 el @ 52 feet + tribander
      10     18      50         7        0       5 el @ 95 feet + tribander

     ALL   1354    5594       117       14   =   732,814  Total Points

  427 USA calls, 30 VE calls, 17 other NA calls, 15 SA calls,
  549 Euro calls, 6 Africa calls, 217 JA calls, 59 other Asia calls,
  34 Oceania calls.

15 Meters was lots of fun.  Had a 125 hour into Europe.  Activity seemed
poor in other parts of the world.  The JAs never seem to show up for
this contest and the USA activity seemed down as well (at least on CW).

I called 56 percent of my QSOs by names.  Such fun!!

Congrats to Dan and Bill for nice scores.

Larry "TREE" Tyree  N6TR          _.  _....  _  ._.  _.._.  __... 
work (503) 526-7210      home (503) 658-6012      fax (503) 526-7202

My views are not those of General Motors, IBM, HP or most other sane people.

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