OK, I finally got some pictures of the two element antenna I'm trying to
identify. The antenna on the right side of the photos is a vertical and
I know what it is. The unknown antenna is described below and has cast
John, WoGN
On 6/20/2012 11:56 AM, Guy Olinger K2AV wrote:
I would take photographs, put them up on the internet somewhere, and
give us the link. You may get a precise ID if you do. Really hard to
get some things across with words. :>)
73, Guy
On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 12:41 PM, John <radio@mediacombb.net
<mailto:radio@mediacombb.net>> wrote:
I'm trying to find out what sort of 2-element tribander (10-15-20m) I
have. I bought it used about used about 20 years ago and just dug it
out of the garage.
I always 'thought' it was a HYgain, but I'm not sure of that. I
around the Internet and found an instruction sheet that is cc 1962
for a
HYgain TH-2. However my beam may be an older version of that or...
something entirely different.
Mine has 8 traps. The elements are mounted to the boom with
nicely made
parts which look to me to be cast. One of these castings has an SO239
mounted on it.
The boom appears to be made in two pieces and that seems strange to me
because it is quite short. I don't see how to join the boom pieces,
although one end of each piece has been made 'out of round' so those
ends of each boom piece must fit together. Maybe there is a missing
piece to joint the two boom pieces to a mast.
Can someone in the list suggest what I might have and the best way to
get an instruction sheet or manual for it?
John, WoGN
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