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Re: [Antennaware] Moxon rectangles

Subject: Re: [Antennaware] Moxon rectangles
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 16:07:10 +0200 (MEST)
List-post: <>
Hello Mauri and others,

> rather than looking for anything else, I'd like to point out my doubts
> about ability of standard antenna modeling software to give correct 
> results in case of sharp wire angles.
> Moreover, my experience with modeling of moxon rectangles (AO6) has
> been quite disappointing with F/B, to the point I never thought to
> build any.

For those who would like to play a bit: From the equations used by MoxGen
(AC6LA) and as described in L.B. Cebiks page
( I created a 40 meter 4nec2 model
containing similar equations. See below, 19 dB F/B. Just change the 'Fr=7.1'
value to create/calculate a model for a different frequency. 

All this without saying something about the reliability of the model,
because I have no means of comparing things with practical results. 

Arie Voors.


CM Moxon rectangle by equation as descibed by
CM L.B. Cebik in
CM Comparison with model created using MoxGen
CM ( yields equal results.
SY Fr=7.1                               ' Specify frequency
SY WD=1                         ' Specify wire diameter
'SY WLI =11802.71/Fr, DW=WD/WLI ' If wire diameter in inches
SY WLI =299792.5/Fr, DW=WD/WLI  ' If wire diameter in millimeters
'SY DW=WD                               ' If wire diameter in wavelengths
SY Wl=299.7925/Fr                       ' Wavelength
SY D1=.4342945*LOG(DW)
SY AA=-.0008571428571, AB=-.009571428571, AC=.3398571429
SY A=(AA*(D1^2))+(AB*D1)+AC
SY BA=-.002142857143, BB=-.02035714286, BC=.008285714286
SY B=(BA*(D1^2))+(BB*D1)+BC
SY CA=.001809523381, CB=.01780952381, CC=.05164285714
SY C=(CA*(D1^2))+(CB*D1)+CC
SY DA=.001, DB=.07178571429
SY A=A*Wl, B=B*Wl, C=C*Wl, D=D*Wl       ' Dimensions in  meters
SY rad=DW*WL/2                  ' Wire radius in mtr.
SY hgh=20                               ' Height above ground
GW 1 35 C/2+B -A/2 hgh C/2+B A/2 hgh rad
GW 2 5 C/2 -A/2 hgh C/2+B -A/2 hgh rad  
GW 3 5 C/2+B A/2 hgh C/2 A/2 hgh rad    
GW 4 35 -C/2-D -A/2 hgh -C/2-D A/2 hgh rad
GW 5 7 -C/2 -A/2 hgh -C/2-D -A/2 hgh rad        
GW 6 7 -C/2-D A/2 hgh -C/2 A/2 hgh rad  
FR 0 1 0 0 Fr 0
GN 2 0 0 0 13 .005                      ' Use average ground
EX 0 1 18 1 0


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