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Re: [Amps] Starting up a NEW Henry amp

Subject: Re: [Amps] Starting up a NEW Henry amp
From: Alek Petkovic via Amps <>
Reply-to: Alek Petkovic <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2023 05:37:45 +0800
List-post: <>
For what it's worth, I have had terrible problems getting the input matching right on several amplifiers using the VNA, yet when using normal drive levels, as reccommended in the user/service manuals, tuning is a breeze. Therefore, I think that there is some truth in the assertion that tuning at low levels does not work properly.

73, Alek VK6APK

On 12/12/2023 7:27 pm, Rob Atkinson wrote:
If you try
to use the internal auto tuner it will not tune properly as it tunes up at low
power and the input impedance of the amp changes as the power increases.
Power level  should not affect the impedance of a load.  If it does,
then something is wrong.  A part may be heating up and changing value,
in which case the matching network should be fixed.  You should be
able to put a vswr analyzer on the amp input and see the R + X for
some frequency, and those values should hold for whatever drive power
you use on the same frequency.



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