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Re: [Amps] Oil (NON PCB) filled capacitor repair possible ?

To: Harald Garberg-Gule <>, amp <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Oil (NON PCB) filled capacitor repair possible ?
From: Ron W4BIN <>
Date: Tue, 2 May 2023 14:28:41 -0400
List-post: <>
 Harald LB2HG/AA4NX Garberg-Gule wrote:

I have a working but leaking oil filled capacitor, HEC 21052 CC602 6UF 8Kv DC used in my Henry 8K Ultra (3 Phase 230V). The oil comes out at on the top of the canister under one of the HV connectors.

I wonder if there is a way I can repair it or I have to get a new one ?

During testing at drive levels around 100 Watt it has behaved well ... however with some minor oil spill.

  I have sealed up a few by:  1. moping up dry,  2. wiping the entire top dry with 100% isopropyl alcohol or lacquer thinner without pressing down on the top,  3. without touching the top inject a fillet around the insulator at the top [½ wide at the hypotenuse] with (RED) high temperature silicone sealer, let set up without disturbing
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