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Re: [Amps] 1:9 un-un for grid driven tetrode

Subject: Re: [Amps] 1:9 un-un for grid driven tetrode
From: Steve <>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2021 08:31:46 +0100
List-post: <>
Core choice, wire length and winding style all play a part.  and

might help figure out what's happening.

Doesn't a coil in parallel with the 450ohms to cancel the tube's capacitance mess things up at lower frequencies? What's the Cin?

Steve G8GSQ

A buddy is trying to get a 1:9 un-un to work on his grid driven tetrode.
Terminated in a  450 ohm globar,  SWR is  1:1   but only up to aprx  20 mhz.
Above  20 mhz,  it rapidly all goes to hell....reaching  2.5:1   at 29.00
mhz.   ( this on the test bench)

He needs the  1:9  un-un to work from  80-10m.   What's the trick here ?
 What  is the ideal material to wind the trifilar onto ?

Once eventually installed into the amp, a small  coil is wired in parallel
with the 450 ohm globar to  cancel out the XC from the tube,  but that is a
normal procedure, and will not alleviate the high swr issue on the upper

Jim   VE7RF

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