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Re: [Amps] TL-922A on 17 & 12

To: Victor Rosenthal <>, Dick NY1E <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] TL-922A on 17 & 12
From: Thomas <>
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2021 08:06:25 -0600
List-post: <>
This tells me 100-200w are being sent back to the PS by a partially resonant choke, thus the "brown spots". You need to use an accurate grid dip meter with the choke in circuit to measure for any resonances near the freqs you plan on using. If you make any changes like adding or removing windings, you would need to check all the bands again! If the choke opens and unwinds during operation, it could short the B+ to ground! Bang!
de W2CO

On 10/11/21 8:50 PM, Victor Rosenthal wrote:
Yes, it does work, although output is slightly lower than other bands. I
use my tl922 on the WARC bands as follows:
30m - bandswitch on 20
17m - bs on 15
12m - bs on 10
Power output is 1 - 1.1 kW compared to 1.2 - 1.3 kW on non-WARC bands.

Victor 4X6GP

On Tue, Oct 12, 2021, 05:12 Dick NY1E <> wrote:

I don't want to find out the hard way, does the plate choke on a TL-922A
work on 17 & 12 meters? 12 meters is really coming to life and I get Dick NY1E
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