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[Amps] SB 200 Input Wafer Switch

Subject: [Amps] SB 200 Input Wafer Switch
From: Ken Claerbout <>
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2021 14:11:49 -0500
List-post: <>
I have an SB-200 I restored for a friend.  It had a fried bandswitch.
I installed the Harbach mods also.  It works great except for the
input wafer switch, which is a little flaky.  On a couple of bands,
the transceiver see's a high VSWR, which can be resolved by nudging
the bandswitch a little further clockwise.

I wouldn't mind replacing that switch.  It's a little beat up.  But I
don't see any for sale.  Before I start searching for a suitable
replacement, I thought I would see if anyone knows where I might be
able to get a replacement?

Ken K4ZW
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