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Re: [Amps] Monitor RF output on computer screen

Subject: Re: [Amps] Monitor RF output on computer screen
From: Jim <>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 20:23:21 -0500
List-post: <>
My Array Solutions Power Monitor does all of that too. Except for creating a smith chart. Which I dont need it do to. I need it to monitor my RF power output and detect ALC overshoot from a transceiver, which it does very well.
Oh... it also works better for tuning an amplfier. I have had numerous 
LP100s, and LP100As.
I just don't like the hold function design. So I've sold every one that 
I have ever owned. I have 3 Power Masters. One of them has a problem 
(that I created) that I need to get sent in. So we'll see how their 
(Array Solutions) customer service is.
To each their own.

Jim W7RY

On 3/13/2020 4:15 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
On 3/13/2020 1:38 PM, Jim wrote:
That is debatable.
Not if you study the data sheets and specs for both.

The LP100A can read complex impedance at the point of measurement on the line, so it could be used to find the input Z of a power amp (using a Smith Chart to account for line length from the coupler to the amp). It The unit is factory-calibrated to NIST, power accuracy is 5% worst case, 3% typical, at any signal level from 1W to rated power. It can read peak hold, average, and instantaneous peaks. It can auto-switch between two couplers on the outputs of my SO2R contesting station.
73, Jim K9YC
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