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Re: [Amps] Alpha front panel overlay

Subject: Re: [Amps] Alpha front panel overlay
From: Martin Sole <>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2018 07:05:47 +0700
List-post: <>
I have never seen an overlay for an Alpha amplifier. I have seen them for Heathkit amplifiers but never seen one advertised for an Alpha. Given the general value/cost of Alpha amplifiers I'm not sure there would be much market for such, especially given that as you have seen there seem to be a number of complete panels available from time to time.
Have you tried contacting one of the people doing full panels? Maybe it 
would be a much more affordable prospect if they take your old panel in 
Martin, HS0ZED

On 09/11/2018 22:38, Danny Pease wrote:
I have seen reproduction front panels for some of the older Alpha
amplifiers, has anyone made an overlay for the 76 series?  This looks like a
simpler and cheaper option for those amps with the sticky paint or any that
simply need a freshening up.


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