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[Amps] Alpha 77 multimeter values

Subject: [Amps] Alpha 77 multimeter values
From: Martin Sole <>
Date: Sun, 6 May 2018 15:52:19 +0700
List-post: <>

Anyone have the scoop on the 1mA meter movement used in the Alpha 77. Just want to understand the internal resistance, without having to pull mine apart, again!
There has been some suggestion that its likely around a couple of 
hundred ohms though I suspect it should be more like 1200 ohms. My 77 
manual(s) all show a 1k multiplier measure the volts dropped across a 
4.7 ohm resistor. At 500mA full scale that's around 2.35v which with a 
1mA movement needs a total of er, 2.35k. So whats the skivvy on this then?
Martin, HS0ZED

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