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Re: [Amps] Multi tube amp

To: "KA9EGW" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Multi tube amp
From: "Carl" <>
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2017 18:18:04 -0500
List-post: <>
That reminds me of around 1957 when I dipped a toe into SSB with a used Central Electronics 10B and a BC-458 VFO.The fleapower was boosted by a article,CQ or QST, that was an amp that used a modified 1625 to drive 4 more, all in GG. The modification required cutting into the tube base and unsoldering the Suppressor Grid wire from the cathode pin and stuffing it into the grid or screen pin. RCA and a few other brand tubes could not be modified since the suppressor connection was inside the tube envelope. I ran this a few years on 75-40-20 until picking up a used HT-37 in 63 and a CE-100V in 65 which I still use at times for great sounding phasing style audio on SSB and AM
I think I still have those modified 1625's buried somewhere.

Other WW2 era tubes Ive used for up to 1500W are the 803 and 813.
A slightly more modern tube is the Russian GU-81M which is somewhat like a pair of 813's on steroids. I havent used it at RF but a pair make a great AM modulator for serious smoke
and cant fix this
Sorry for the screwed up formatting, hit the wrong key

----- Original Message ----- From: "KA9EGW" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2017 4:32 PM
Subject: [Amps] Multi tube amp

Seems to me there was also one in strays that use something like a dozen 1625’s on parallel
Sent from my device that creates typos

On Dec 5, 2017, at 09:05, wrote:

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Today's Topics:

  1. Re: amplifier in 1960's QST (Paul Christensen)
  2. Re: MFJ products (Jim Thomson)
  3. Re: MFJ products (John Bodine)
  4. Re: MFJ products (Shon Edwards)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2017 20:54:32 -0500
From: "Paul Christensen" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] amplifier in 1960's QST
Message-ID: <004101d36d6b$ff519020$fdf4b060$>
Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="us-ascii"

Possibly the Galaxy 2000+.  A full description was authored by Wilfred
Scherer, W2AEF and appears on p. 17 in the January, 1967 issue of CQ
Magazine.    A total of <gulp> ten (10) 6HF5 sweep tubes are used in
parallel.  The design also makes use of a dynamic linearizer by sampling
input and output RF voltage. Non-linearity produces a voltage that's then
applied to a series regular in the bias supply.

Paul, W9AC

-----Original Message-----
From: Amps [] On Behalf Of Carl
Sent: Monday, December 4, 2017 7:53 PM
To: Fuqua, Bill L <>;
Subject: Re: [Amps] amplifier in 1960's QST

I vaguely remember the article and the tube load was 50 Ohms so there was no
Load control!!

WRL or Globe had a something 2000 that was all sweep tubes.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Fuqua, Bill L" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2017 12:06 PM
Subject: [Amps] amplifier in 1960's QST

I have been looking for an article about a suitcase kW amplifier using a
load of sweep tubes. directly off power line power supply (voltage
multiplier) and a broadband matching network. Not interested in building
one because there are all sorts of problems with the idea. I think it was
in late 60's but I can't find it. Perhaps it was not QST.

Anyone remember it?


Bill wa4lav

Amps mailing list

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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2017 06:44:04 -0800
From: "Jim Thomson" <>
To: "Shon Edwards" <>,    "Amplifier Reflector"
Subject: Re: [Amps] MFJ products
Message-ID: <3BCC83556CB544E89AB5412DECE378FF@JimPC>
Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="UTF-8"

## You forgot to tell us that it was a 40 A 13.8 vdc, switching type power supply ! Found it on U tube, where the vdc pegged past 16 vdc. Another fellow had his way over 45 vdc...and fried his yaesu. The u tube fellow says his did not have any over voltage protection built into it ! Since his was under warranty, MFJ will
repair it..... but not the very expensive yaesu xcvr.

## Fuses on radios will only protect against excess current, not excess voltage. Your surge protector on the input of the 120 vac.. feeding the MFJ switching supply, will not help at all. The issue is the lack of over voltage protection in the mfj switching supply, and what ever caused it to crank out excess vdc in the 1st place... frying everything connected to it.
##  Either   replace with a better quality switcher from a different 
manufacturer, or  use
an analog supply, like a  50 A  CCS astron.

## way too many issues with the MFJ-4245 switcher imo. if the supply bows up, who cares... but when the same supply blows up a bunch of expensive gear connected to it, then its a serious issue.
Jim   VE7RF

From: Shon Edwards
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2017 8:42 PM
To: Jim Thomson ; Amplifier Reflector
Subject: Re: [Amps] MFJ products

I know this isn't really an amp question, but I checked my email for mfj-4245mv and found this one. Last week, the current just took off. Fried a couple radios whose fuses didn't work. Also my surge protector didn't stop it from frying my radios. Any idea what caused this or how to fix it?

de Shon, K6QT

Shon R. Edwards, MA, AG (Czech Republic)

Amateur call:  K6QT
1039 N 2575 W
Layton, UT, 84041-7709
Home phone:  (801) 444-3445


Shon Edwards
715 Strawberry Creek Private Rd.
Bedford, WY 83112
Cell:  (307) 248-2104

On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 8:22 AM, Jim Thomson <> wrote:

 Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 10:26:27 +0200
 From: "Peter Frenning [OZ1PIF]" <>

 Subject: Re: [Amps] MFJ products

 My 5 cents worth:
 I own and use several pieces of MFJ equipment, much of it has been in
 daily use for more than 10years:
 a MFJ-4245MV SMPS, no RF-hash, and has performed nearly 24/ 7 for
 more than 10years
 a MFJ-259B antenna analyzer, without a doubt the most useful tool
 in my toolbox
 I know there are better/more accurate/higher quality analyzers
 available now - at vastly higher prices!
 this one has been in use for more than 10 years in my shack and
 in the field, and when I broke it
 (my own fault - reverse polarity) MFJ was very helpful with
 repair suggestions
 I owned a MFJ-969 tuner for several years - did exactly what it was
 supposed to do at a very reasonable price
 Various power meters an dummy loads - again they have been
 performing exactly as expected.

 To conclude: yes corners have been cut here and there, but at the prices
 asked you get fair usefulness and many times equipment which few of us
 could afford without MFJ supplying it.

 Vy 73 de OZ1PIF/5Q2M, Peter

## You obviously have not tried one of their SS HF linear the AL-600 or AL-1300. I defy anybody to get one to run full bore for 5 years

 Jim  VE7RF.

 Amps mailing list


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2017 09:49:53 -0500
From: John Bodine <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] MFJ products
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Long ago I removed all adjustable voltage supplies from the shack because a
bump or a grandchild can break your heart(cook your transceiver).

On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 9:44 AM, Jim Thomson <> wrote:

##  You forgot to tell us that it was a 40 A   13.8 vdc, switching type
power supply !
Found it on U tube, where the vdc pegged past 16 vdc. Another fellow had
way over 45 vdc...and fried his yaesu. The u tube fellow says his did
not have
any over voltage protection built into it !   Since his was under
warranty, MFJ will
repair it..... but not the very expensive yaesu xcvr.

## Fuses on radios will only protect against excess current, not excess
voltage.   Your
surge protector on the input of the 120 vac.. feeding the MFJ switching
supply, will  not help at all.
The issue is the lack of over voltage protection in the mfj switching
supply, and what ever caused
it to crank out excess  vdc in the 1st place... frying everything
connected to it.

##  Either   replace with a better quality switcher from a different
manufacturer, or  use
an analog supply, like a  50 A  CCS astron.

##  way too many issues with the MFJ-4245  switcher imo.  if the supply
bows up, who cares... but when the
same supply blows up a bunch of expensive gear connected to it, then its
a serious issue.

Jim   VE7RF

From: Shon Edwards
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2017 8:42 PM
To: Jim Thomson ; Amplifier Reflector
Subject: Re: [Amps] MFJ products

I know this isn't really an amp question, but I checked my email for
mfj-4245mv and found this one.  Last week, the current just took off.
Fried a couple radios whose fuses didn't work.  Also my surge protector
didn't stop it from frying my radios. Any idea what caused this or how to
fix it?


de Shon, K6QT

Shon R. Edwards, MA, AG (Czech Republic)

Amateur call:  K6QT
1039 N 2575 W
Layton, UT, 84041-7709
Home phone:  (801) 444-3445


Shon Edwards
715 Strawberry Creek Private Rd.
Bedford, WY 83112
Cell:  (307) 248-2104

On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 8:22 AM, Jim Thomson <> wrote:

 Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 10:26:27 +0200
 From: "Peter Frenning [OZ1PIF]" <>

 Subject: Re: [Amps] MFJ products

 My 5 cents worth:
 I own and use several pieces of MFJ equipment, much of it has been in
 daily use for more than 10years:
 a MFJ-4245MV SMPS, no RF-hash, and has performed nearly 24/ 7 for
 more than 10years
 a MFJ-259B antenna analyzer, without a doubt the most useful tool
 in my toolbox
 I know there are better/more accurate/higher quality analyzers
 available now - at vastly higher prices!
 this one has been in use for more than 10 years in my shack and
 in the field, and when I broke it
 (my own fault - reverse polarity) MFJ was very helpful with
 repair suggestions
 I owned a MFJ-969 tuner for several years - did exactly what it was
 supposed to do at a very reasonable price
 Various power meters an dummy loads - again they have been
 performing exactly as expected.

To conclude: yes corners have been cut here and there, but at the prices
 asked you get fair usefulness and many times equipment which few of us
 could afford without MFJ supplying it.

 Vy 73 de OZ1PIF/5Q2M, Peter

## You obviously have not tried one of their SS HF linear the
 AL-600  or AL-1300.   I defy anybody to get one to run full bore for 5

 Jim  VE7RF.

 Amps mailing list

Amps mailing list


       John Bodine/WU2E


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2017 08:03:12 -0700
From: Shon Edwards <>
To: Jim Thomson <>, Amplifier Reflector
Subject: Re: [Amps] MFJ products
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Thanks Jim and everyone else (and the sympathies).  Sorry I neglected to
give all the info.  Yes, it's a mystery to me why all happened just as it
did.  No matter how low I switched the DC Adjust dial (9-15 V), it just
pegged itself it seemed even a bit higher than the max.

Shon R. Edwards, MA, AG (Czech Republic)
Amateur call:  K6QT
1039 N 2575 W
Layton, UT, 84041-7709
Home phone:  (801) 444-3445


Shon Edwards
715 Strawberry Creek Private Rd.
Bedford, WY 83112
Cell:  (307) 248-2104

On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 7:44 AM, Jim Thomson <> wrote:

##  You forgot to tell us that it was a 40 A   13.8 vdc, switching type
power supply !
Found it on U tube, where the vdc pegged past 16 vdc. Another fellow had
way over 45 vdc...and fried his yaesu. The u tube fellow says his did
not have
any over voltage protection built into it !   Since his was under
warranty, MFJ will
repair it..... but not the very expensive yaesu xcvr.

## Fuses on radios will only protect against excess current, not excess
voltage.   Your
surge protector on the input of the 120 vac.. feeding the MFJ switching
supply, will  not help at all.
The issue is the lack of over voltage protection in the mfj switching
supply, and what ever caused
it to crank out excess  vdc in the 1st place... frying everything
connected to it.

##  Either   replace with a better quality switcher from a different
manufacturer, or  use
an analog supply, like a  50 A  CCS astron.

##  way too many issues with the MFJ-4245  switcher imo.  if the supply
bows up, who cares... but when the
same supply blows up a bunch of expensive gear connected to it, then its
a serious issue.

Jim   VE7RF

*From:* Shon Edwards
*Sent:* Sunday, December 03, 2017 8:42 PM
*To:* Jim Thomson ; Amplifier Reflector
*Subject:* Re: [Amps] MFJ products

I know this isn't really an amp question, but I checked my email for
mfj-4245mv and found this one.  Last week, the current just took off.
Fried a couple radios whose fuses didn't work.  Also my surge protector
didn't stop it from frying my radios. Any idea what caused this or how to
fix it?


de Shon, K6QT

Shon R. Edwards, MA, AG (Czech Republic)
Amateur call:  K6QT
1039 N 2575 W
Layton, UT, 84041-7709
Home phone:  (801) 444-3445


Shon Edwards
715 Strawberry Creek Private Rd.
Bedford, WY 83112
Cell:  (307) 248-2104

On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 8:22 AM, Jim Thomson <> wrote:
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 10:26:27 +0200
From: "Peter Frenning [OZ1PIF]" <>

Subject: Re: [Amps] MFJ products

My 5 cents worth:
I own and use several pieces of MFJ equipment, much of it has been in
daily use for more than 10years:
a MFJ-4245MV SMPS, no RF-hash, and has performed nearly 24/ 7 for
more than 10years
a MFJ-259B antenna analyzer, without a doubt the most useful tool
in my toolbox
I know there are better/more accurate/higher quality analyzers
available now - at vastly higher prices!
this one has been in use for more than 10 years in my shack and
in the field, and when I broke it
(my own fault - reverse polarity) MFJ was very helpful with
repair suggestions
I owned a MFJ-969 tuner for several years - did exactly what it was
supposed to do at a very reasonable price
Various power meters an dummy loads - again they have been
performing exactly as expected.

To conclude: yes corners have been cut here and there, but at the prices
asked you get fair usefulness and many times equipment which few of us
could afford without MFJ supplying it.

Vy 73 de OZ1PIF/5Q2M, Peter

## You obviously have not tried one of their SS HF linear the
AL-600  or AL-1300.   I defy anybody to get one to run full bore for 5

Jim  VE7RF.

Amps mailing list


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