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Re: [Amps] amplifier in 1960's QST

To: "Fuqua, Bill L" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] amplifier in 1960's QST
From: <>
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2017 22:53:55 +0100
List-post: <>
Hi Bill,
i do remember seeing an article with 8 to 10 TV horizontal amplifier
sweep tubes. They were Philips or Valvo, or Siemens, marked
as PL519, PL509 and not sure PL505. There were also line of EL519
but, faintly they did not fit the drawing due to heating.

The PL519 were either designed for 24 Volts or similar voltage, thus
they used quite some number of them.

It was published in our Radioamater , same as QST as national amateur radio
magazine. And when our "brother ina arms " CBers find that, you have got number of
Also, if my memory serves me, there was an article in German CQ-DL thus, play bit
with google ans see, if you got any respones...

Kind regards Bill,

Nermin S58DX

-----Izvorno sporočilo----- From: Fuqua, Bill L
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2017 6:06 PM
Subject: [Amps] amplifier in 1960's QST

I have been looking for an article about a suitcase kW amplifier using a load of sweep tubes. directly off power line power supply (voltage multiplier) and a broadband matching network. Not interested in building one because there are all sorts of problems with the idea. I think it was in late 60's but I can't find it. Perhaps it was not QST.
Anyone remember it?


Bill wa4lav

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