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Re: [Amps] Ham Tests, was Price per Watt Conversation

To: "Mark Bitterlich" <>, "Bill Turner" <>, "Amps group" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Ham Tests, was Price per Watt Conversation
From: "Carl" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 20:54:10 -0400
List-post: <">>
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Bitterlich" <>
To: "Bill Turner" <>; "Amps group" <>
Cc: "Robert Melle" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2017 7:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Ham Tests, was Price per Watt Conversation

"I'm sure if the Titanic radio op had voice capability he would have
used it first. Of course in the Titanic case it wouldn't have mattered
since the only ship listening was too far away. "  Bill W6WRT

The above is a typical "Bill W6WRT" response. Biased, made to believe he is always correct, and belittling of the person who disagreed with him. Worse it does disservice to the hero's of the day who used Morse Code to save over half of the crew of this famous ship.
Actually numerous ships and shore stations heard the Titanic.  Not just 
"the only ship listening" as W6WRT would have you believe, which is just 
so much misinformation.
"Come at once. We have struck a berg. It's a CQD, old man," the Titanic 
called to another ship, the Carpathia.
"We have struck an iceberg and sinking by the head," she told a German 
ship, the Frankfurt.
"In response her sister ship, the Olympic called back: "Am lighting up all 
boilers as fast as we can."
"there was "never a tremor" in the Morse tapped out by Jack Phillips."

"I will never live to forget the work of Phillips during the last awful 15 minutes," said Bride.
"I suddenly felt a great reverence to see him standing there sticking to 
his work while everybody else was raging about."

To repeat: "Bill Turner" <> said: "Relying on CW will get people killed."

No, I don't think so Bill. History has shown overwise. But you can ignore history if you'd like.

Mark Bitterlich


The famed WW2 Coast Watchers in the Pacific werent screaming into their carbon mikes with the Japs often within pissing distance.
In modern times the Special Forces and CIA arent using voice when 
communicating from raghead land where sound travels long distances, they use 
silent keyboards.     Voice is used when the choppers and fighter/bombers 
are already close to targets and the ragheads are being sent to Allah in 
bloody pieces.
Voice is also used when the AC-131 is doing its thing, CW is too slow then.


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