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Re: [Amps] 3rd ed. Eimac's "Care and Feeding of Power Grid

To: "Jim Thomson" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] 3rd ed. Eimac's "Care and Feeding of Power Grid
From: "Carl" <>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2017 17:24:56 -0500
List-post: <">>
Subject: [Amps] 3rd ed. Eimac's "Care and Feeding of Power Grid

Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2017 14:06:50 -0800
From: Colin Lamb <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] 3rd ed. Eimac's "Care and Feeding of Power Grid

Just got my 1974 buyers guide off the shelf.  It has some transformers
numbers that I will probably save.  The 3-500Z tube sells brand new from
Eimac for $37.

Colin K7FM

### LOL. I was 18 yrs old back in 1974. I would listen to these contester folks on 75m at night, who were always buying replacement SB-220 plate xfmrs.... which back in 1974, were $35.00 each. I forget what a new Eimac 8877 was,
but it was semi affordable.  I bought brand spanky new Eimac  4-1000s  for
$40.00 each, back in 1976. Back then, they were everywhere, and readily
available.   A Ham-2  rotor, new was $199.00    A used  Hygain 204BA
was aprx  $150.00

##  A new pair of 572B tubes for a SB-200  was aprx  $60.00
My brand new 48 ft self support tower was $225.00  back in
1976.  4x4x4  concrete block was another $115.00
Aluminum 3 inch OD irrigation pipe was  74 cents a foot. It came
in 20-30-40 ft lengths. I bought 36 ft of it..and they delivered it for free.
They took a 40 ft length, lopped 4 ft off one end, and  only charged  me
for 36 ft. Instant 36 ft boom, no splices. Al tubing for eles was dirt cheap,
like the 6061-T6 variety.

##  Bought small prop pitchs  for $75.00  each.   A 10 kva hypersil
pole pig was  $75.00  .   The big ticket items
were my new drake C line + mating L4B amp..back in 1977.  $3400.00
for the drake gear.  My new 1977 Honda civic  was $3750.00
Bought my first home for $40 K , back in 1979.

Those were good times.

Jim  VE7RF
I used two 20' lengths of 3" for my 4 el 20M yagi around 1984. Used about 
18" of Schedule 40 AL pipe as a strong splice and for the boom to mast 
plate. Took it down in 89 and put back up here in 91 where it remained as 
part of the 4/4/4/4 on 20M on a rotating side arm.
That boom and elements survived everything this hilltop could throw at it 
when I dismantled the contest aluminum farm of up to 19 HF yagis on 4 towers 
about 10 years ago.  It is all resting on several sawhorses out in the back 

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