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Re: [Amps] Off topic - help with

Subject: Re: [Amps] Off topic - help with
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2017 20:19:55 -0800
List-post: <">>
On Mon,2/27/2017 2:16 PM, Jim Dawson wrote:
I emailed the site manager and classifieds manager with no response.
Hi Jim,

I've sold a lot of stuff on eham, much of it for a friend who was moving. I was about to send a nice contribution when I had an interaction with the classified manager that left a very bad taste in my mouth.
I wouldn't worry about participating in forums. I've never done that. I 
was inactive for nearly 20 years ending in 2003, so was pretty out of 
touch with popular ham gear. When I got back on the air, I made a lot of 
use of their Product Reviews, which are quite useful if you read them 
with a good BS filter. :)
So I'd say go ahead and post your ad, and ignore the cold shoulder from 
management. But like any public sales arena, do be careful about 
scammers. I've not encountered any, but they're around. :)
I always specify in my ads that I will sell only to US licensed hams and 
ship only to the address. I've got nothing against folks in 
other countries, but shipping and duties can be a hassle that I don't 
have time for.
73, Jim K9YC

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