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[Amps] SS amps watercooling - was PowerGenius XL

Subject: [Amps] SS amps watercooling - was PowerGenius XL
From: John Lyles <>
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2017 23:58:28 -0700
List-post: <">>
I use 7 Altronic 200 kW loads. I visited the factory in Arkansas two years ago. Very nice stuff. We always put the flow switch/sensor in the outlet side of a system, where it returns to the pump or goes to drain. This way if the load blows up and begins to leak, it will not close the interlock switch and allow RF to power it.


Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2017 22:48:50 -0500
From: "Paul Christensen" <>

Recently purchased a NOS 5KW Altronic Omegaline load.  Connect a garden
hose, crack open a faucet, set reasonable water flow and warm water comes
flowing out to water the yard or fill the pool.  Just throw the coax out the
shack window when load testing!  Works great.

The plan is to add a flow sensor to the inlet port.  The sensor has N.C.
contacts when flow is adequate and can be linked back to the transmitter or
amplifier as an interlock.  If a problem develops with the flow rate (e.g.,
kinked hose) the interlock opens, kills R.F. and saves a very expensive
glass resistor.

Paul, W9AC

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