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Re: [Amps] Diagnosing relay problem

Subject: Re: [Amps] Diagnosing relay problem
From: Vic Rosenthal 4X6GP <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2017 00:14:09 +0200
List-post: <">>
I took it apart and tested the relays individually with an ohmmeter. The HI-G d'Italia relay was the problem, as several of you suggested. I replaced it, cursing the engineers that had made it so hard to do, until I remembered that I was the "engineer" responsible for it. Checked everything for continuity and relay operation and it seemed OK, so I buttoned it all up again.

But I forgot to check for shorts to ground. So tomorrow morning I'll have to take it apart again and find what I screwed up. Not tonight.

Vic, 4X6GP
Rehovot, Israel
Formerly K2VCO

On 8 Jan 2017 18:10, Steve Thompson wrote:
If there's enough cable length between the relays in the rx path, a TDR might do it.

I feel sure there should be a way using a capacitance meter, but I haven't stopped to figure out how yet.


I have recently been suffering from intermittent attenuation of RX signals through my amplifier, which has a vacuum relay (Jennings RJ1-A) in the output
and a HG d'Italia relay from max gain (see here: in the input. The problem is that I would like to determine which relay is responsible before taking it
I can't think of a way, and am considering replacing both of them. Does anyone
have an idea?
Also, has anyone experience with the HG d'Italia relays? I wonder if this was
such a good choice. It is fast enough, but I wonder about its lifespan.

Vic 4X6GP

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