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Re: [Amps] Question on installing new Amp tube

Subject: Re: [Amps] Question on installing new Amp tube
From: Mike Tubby <>
Date: Sat, 8 Aug 2015 16:59:22 +0100
List-post: <">>
If the 3-500Z has stood for a long time unused I suggest you use the 'Reactivation 3-500Z' procedure by PA0FRI, here:

When I did this with a new-old-stock tube I used 40V and had no significant current indication for about 1.5 days, then the current meter started to 'flick' a few milli-amps and back to nothing and then after a few more hours it started a constant reading of around 50-60mA which then rose until it hit my current limit.
I used a pair of 0-20DC bench power supplies in series to get 40V and 
set the current limit at 400mA.
After the reactivation I put the tube in a PA and it worked fine.

Mike G8TIC

On 03/08/2015 20:13, wrote:
Please forgive my ignorance.
I am going to install a new (old stock) 3-500Z in my amp. Are there procedures that I must follow. 
I've read and heard about "getting" but I don't have a clue what that means. I think it 
means "burning in" but not clear what the procedure should be.
Anyone help?
Thanks in advance!
Tony, W4FOA

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