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[CQ-Contest] results auto sw bandpass filters for all bands

To:, CQ-Contest Reflector <>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] results auto sw bandpass filters for all bands
From: Charles Harpole <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2015 08:02:18 +0700
List-post: <">>
The results of my search for one integrated automatic switching bandpass
filter unit indicates.....

Both Dunestar (Top Ten Devices also needed) and Array Solutions sell a
separate unit for the six contest bands and separately a unit for the WARC
bands.   It is possible to route RF from the transceiver to the first
contest band unit AND then with a bypass on it, the RF can then be routed
by that unit to a separate unit for WARC.

The key is for the contest band unit to have a BYPASS switch position.

All these products operate from band data provided by the transceiver (or
computer) and will follow the band switch on the radio to automatically
select the correct band.  I did not investigate how to connect multiple
units to the same band date socket on the radio.

The prices of both suppliers run over $1,200USD per radio, needing at least
about $2,400 (or more) for a full system of two radios on ALL HF bands.  I
did not find ONE integrated unit.

Most contesters say they only want the 6 contest bands but surely some want
to use the WARC bands on the same radios without doing plug-unplug manual

Note, there may be more than these two suppliers.
Charly, HS0ZCW
CQ-Contest mailing list

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