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Re: [Amps] RE; 3CX800 grid collett

Subject: Re: [Amps] RE; 3CX800 grid collett
From: Conrad PA5Y <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2015 19:13:33 +0200
List-post: <">>
It is indeed an interesting thread, however in my case I just felt that there was not enough contact at all and also this particular implementation was done on the cheap, rather badly. In fact there was about 5 fingers at each of the fixing positions for the socket, many of which had broken off. I felt that this was not an ideal situation and so decided to remedy it. I mistakenly thought that the SK-1900 was in fact a socket with a grid collet but have since found out that this is not the case.
A picture speaks a thousand words so have a look at this:

Notice the sputter marks, apparently the blower failed and no one noticed!

Conrad PA5Y

On 15/06/2015 18:14, Donald Fox via Amps wrote:
In looking at an SK-2200 I have here in the shack, I see the 4 grid tabs spaced 
equally around the socket.
However, the grid collet in my Henry 3002 is the real thing having finger stock 
all the way around.

I have a couple of NOS screen grid bypass caps for the 4CX150/250 series tubes. 
I wonder if that could somehow modified or used in this instance.

Don  N8ECH
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