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Re: [Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 149, Issue 10

Subject: Re: [Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 149, Issue 10
From: Steve Wright <>
Date: Tue, 05 May 2015 11:01:08 +1200
List-post: <">>

On 05/05/15 05:57, wrote:
> Given that the rule at the time was based on input power to the final stage, 
> it begs the question of how could they possibly know without being in your 
> shack?  Granted, enforcement then was a far cry from now with station audits 
> not unusual.

FCC in your shack?  Did they have a signed court order?  The only way
anyone comes into my shack, is a mate for a coffee/tea/beer/dinner. 
Anyone else brings documents with a signature from a magistrate.  I aint
got stuff to hide, but it's the principle of it.

> Today it's hard enough to get the FCC to enforce rules against deliberate 
> interference.

The user manual of the neighbours plasma TV says it *WILL* interfere
with Ham Radio.  *WILL*, not "might".  That's deliberate.

>   I can think of a very fine reason, to prove to the authorities,
> should the need arise, that you are not in violation of the rule.
> And to prove that you are in command of the facility to maintain
> your output power within your limit.

It is their business to prove you are in violation, not he other way
around.  And if you are legal custody of a thing, then you are command
of it - that is a legal principle, unless of you waive your rights - but
I do not.

> When they suspected someone of cheating, they would park their van 
> outside his house and measure field strength. Then they would go inside 
> and measure plate voltage and current (I presume with their own 
> instruments). So if the guy reduced power they could compute how much he 
> was running beforehand by the difference in field strength.

Go... inside...  Can they DO that?  I do not think so.  Just don't go to
the door.

> As to how they knew whom to check, I believe that they got tips from 
> other hams. As I recall, many of these spot checks were during contests. 
> I remember one guy busted for running 5 kW.

Just don't go to the door.  It's not an offence to not go to the door. 
What if you were on the shitter and you couldn't go to the door?

I find there are people in society who are preoccupied with rules and
regulations, and while I value that society has order and structure, I
do NOT value the overt self-policing that our hobby has endured.  This
self-policing either comes at our own hand - where we very cautiously
and fearfully I might add - mind our own actions to such an extent that
metering every single input, output, and action becomes the entire
hobby, and I think that's daft.  The other form of self-policing, comes
from "tips" (read - complaints) to the regulatory authority from other Hams.

For myself, the hobby is far too interesting to get tangled up in all
that sort of bickering, except for some whom I have come to think are
actually in ham radio exactly for that reason - I bet their hobby makes
their life harsh - it doesn't for me, it makes my life awesome!


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